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LLM Security: Splunk & OWASP Top 10 for LLM-based Applications

As a small kid, I remember watching flying monkeys, talking lions, and houses landing on evil witches in the film The Wizard of Oz and thinking how amazing it was. Once the curtain pulled back, exposing the wizard as a smart but ordinary person, I felt slightly let down. The recent explosion of AI, and more specifically, large language models (LLMs), feels similar. On the surface, they look like magic, but behind the curtain, LLMs are just complex systems created by humans.

Corelight Announces Cloud Enrichment for AWS, GCP, and Azure

This week, I’m excited to announce Cloud Enrichment for AWS, GCP, and Azure. These enhancements are designed to accelerate incident response and unlock threat hunting capabilities by automatically combining the insights of your cloud network with the native control plane data from your cloud service provider.

Guide to Using Music Finder Apps

Whether it's a catchy tune you heard in a coffee shop or a memorable soundtrack from a movie, finding that elusive song can now be a breeze with music finder apps. Perfect for anyone aged 15 to 60, these apps have revolutionized the way we identify and interact with music, making every song discoverable at the touch of a button. This comprehensive guide will explore the best music finder apps available, detail how they work, and offer practical tips on making the most of these innovative tools.

Creating Visibility In Your Digital Environment with Attack Surface Management (ASM)

In today’s IT environments, creating visibility in your digital environment with Attack Surface Management (ASM) is crucial for maintaining robust cybersecurity. ASM provides essential insights and tools to identify and protect your organization. This blog addresses several key questions that ASM helps answer, bolstering your resilience against cyber threats.

What Is ITDR?

Gartner listed identity threat detection and response (ITDR) among its top security and risk management trends for 2022 and beyond — and study after study keeps verifying the importance of an effective ITDR strategy. For example, the Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA) revealed that more than 90% of the organizations it surveyed suffered an identity-related attack in 2023, and a 2024 IBM report found that attacks using stolen credentials increased by 71% year over year.

Brand Impersonation of Microsoft Increases 50% in One Quarter

The use of the Microsoft brand in phishing attacks demonstrates both its widespread credibility as well as the continued success of attacks leveraging it. Each quarter, security vendor Check Point builds its’ Brand Phishing Ranking, identifying the top ten impersonated brands used in phishing attacks. And, while we’ve seen Microsoft at the top of this quite a few times before in their previous rankings, it’s the growth we see in their latest report covering Q2.

Creating a Big Security Culture With a Tiny Button

When it comes to creating a strong cybersecurity culture, one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal is the Phish Alert Button (PAB). This unassuming little add-in for your email client can make all the difference between falling victim to a malicious email and stopping a potential cyber attack in its tracks. And yet, many employees hesitate to use it, fearing the embarrassment of being wrong. I've been there myself.