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Best Cloud Storage for Personal Use and Privacy 2024

Cloud storage is a versatile and competitive market, so making a decision about choosing the best cloud storage services can seem intimidating. Fortunately, best cloud storage for personal use offers many features and services to securely store personal files, backups, sync, and protect your privacy online.

The Importance of API Security Governance in a Dynamic Threat Landscape

As noted in the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for API Protection“API security governance is an emerging capability. It allows the administrator of the tool to define and enforce security policies. Unlike posture management, this is a top-down enforcement. It also allows for compliance reports for specific regulations to be generated automatically.” This capability is becoming increasingly important as organizations face a constantly evolving threat landscape.

Hurricane Season Scams: What you need to know

Cybercriminals are notorious for their opportunism. No situation is off limits: whether they exploit conflict and human suffering, blackmail vulnerable individuals by threatening to leak therapy notes, or even bring healthcare organizations to their knees, cybercriminals will stop at nothing to make a quick buck. Hurricane season is a particularly lucrative time of year for cybercriminals.

ITDR Essentials: Determining Your Needs and Selecting the Right Solution

Identity theft is a concern for everyone living in the digital age. By stealing someone’s identity, a criminal can gain access to their credit cards and financial accounts or apply for credit using the victim’s identity. The compromise of your identity can lead to numerous troubling circumstances. Cybercriminals have learned to leverage identity theft to access vast amounts of personal and sensitive information within digital enterprises.

LLM Security: Splunk & OWASP Top 10 for LLM-based Applications

As a small kid, I remember watching flying monkeys, talking lions, and houses landing on evil witches in the film The Wizard of Oz and thinking how amazing it was. Once the curtain pulled back, exposing the wizard as a smart but ordinary person, I felt slightly let down. The recent explosion of AI, and more specifically, large language models (LLMs), feels similar. On the surface, they look like magic, but behind the curtain, LLMs are just complex systems created by humans.

Mastering Best Practices for Vulnerability Management

Understanding vulnerability management is crucial for maintaining the security of your systems. It involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating vulnerabilities that exist within your network, applications, and infrastructure. By gaining a deep understanding of vulnerability management, you can effectively prioritize and address security risks. One key aspect of vulnerability management is conducting regular vulnerability assessments.

Corelight Announces Cloud Enrichment for AWS, GCP, and Azure

This week, I’m excited to announce Cloud Enrichment for AWS, GCP, and Azure. These enhancements are designed to accelerate incident response and unlock threat hunting capabilities by automatically combining the insights of your cloud network with the native control plane data from your cloud service provider.

Guide to Using Music Finder Apps

Whether it's a catchy tune you heard in a coffee shop or a memorable soundtrack from a movie, finding that elusive song can now be a breeze with music finder apps. Perfect for anyone aged 15 to 60, these apps have revolutionized the way we identify and interact with music, making every song discoverable at the touch of a button. This comprehensive guide will explore the best music finder apps available, detail how they work, and offer practical tips on making the most of these innovative tools.

Implementing SBOM Security Best Practices

The concept of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) has gained serious traction in recent years, emerging as a critical element of software security frameworks. SBOM refers to a comprehensive inventory of all the components and dependencies, or the software supply chain, that make up a software application. The influence of SBOM on modern software and application security programs is so compelling that government organizations like the U.S.

Top Identity Threats Your Organization Faces

Two major organizations breached in 2023 — MGM Resorts and 23andMe — have one part of their hacks in common: identity. Initial access in the 23andMe breach came from credential stuffing, and it was a lack of access control that allowed the threat actors to move deeper into the organization, ultimately exfiltrating data from millions of user accounts.