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How to Implement Microsoft Security Products for Maximum Value

Cybersecurity teams are in a tough spot these days. They are stuck between the pace of change in technology, the shortage of security professionals, and an overabundance of security tools all demanding their attention. It's a combination that should make the all-encompassing Microsoft Security product suite a compelling idea – if you can determine a migration strategy that makes sense for your company.

Zero Trust Architecture: Protect Your Business Inside Out

Cyberattacks are getting worse, and traditional security methods are not enough. Businesses now face threats like identity theft and social engineering, making it harder to protect their data. With more employees working remotely and companies moving to cloud-based apps, adopting a Zero Trust approach is more important than ever.

Evolution of Scalper Bots Part 4: New Bot Tactics vs. Anti-Bot Tools and Legislation

Welcome back to our Evolution of Scalper Bots series. In our last post, we explored how scalper bots expanded into new markets from 2010 to 2014. We saw the scalper bot industry rise and a technological arms race begin between developers and retailers. As we delve into the period of 2015 to 2017, this battle intensifies. Scalper bots become more sophisticated, retailers implement new countermeasures, and legal challenges emerge.

Proactive App Connector Monitoring with Machine Learning

App connectors are a critical component of the Netskope secure access service edge (SASE) platform, offering visibility into user activities based on their interactions with cloud applications. These connectors monitor various types of user actions, such as uploads, downloads, and sharing events in apps like Google Drive and Box, by analyzing network traffic patterns.

What Is SCIM Provisioning and How Does It Work?

System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) provisioning is a tool that helps simplify the management of user information across different systems. The information needed on multiple devices or systems will be the same, so instead of a user entering their information over and over again to access data, SCIM connects their identity with your organization’s various systems. Keep reading to learn the ways SCIM provisioning can be used, how it works and its benefits.

Your guide to SaaS compliance: Key areas and best practices

Many IT managers find compliance to be one of the most complex aspects of the SaaS space. For instance, in a LogicMonitor survey on cloud solutions, 60% of the respondents highlighted governance and compliance as one of their top challenges when engaging with SaaS platforms. ‍ SaaS compliance requires adherence to various standards and regulations that can present a recurring workload for security teams in any industry.

Glimmer Of Good News On The Ransomware Front As Encryption Rates Plummet

No-one would be bold enough to say that the ransomware problem is receding, but a newly-published report by Microsoft does deliver a slither of encouraging news amongst the gloom. And boy do we need some good news - amid reports that 389 US-based healthcare institutions were hit by ransomware last year - more than one every single day.