The last couple of months were devastating for cybersecurity. Cyber threats intensify each waking day, and criminals seem to be getting more sophisticated and better at beating the system. For instance, the first six months of 2022 saw a whopping 40% increase in cyber-attacks from the previous year, with Ransomware being declared a state-level weapon. These attacks are causing severe disruptions to everyday lives, affecting essential services such as medical care, schools, etc.
We’re delighted to announce that we have teamed up with Electric Miles, B2B SaaS company providing EV charging software to charger manufacturers, offering a combined service for Electric Vehicle (EV) charger manufacturers and resellers to ensure compliance with the upcoming December 2022 cyber security regulations.
The constantly envisioned digital world is now here; The age of digital change for companies of all sizes and industries worldwide was sparked by the pandemic. This digital sprint has given rise to spontaneous inadequate structures for digital identity management and digital onboarding while also creating various issues to be solved in Identity Verification processes.
Looking for for a reliable website where you can buy the best code signing certificates? Read the blog to explore the top competitors and find the best of them. Software and data security are the biggest concerns for any application developer in today’s age. A gap in the code identified by an attacker can result in disastrous outcomes. Hence, developers give special attention to the security of their software to prevent any data breaches or unauthorized access.
Keeper Security is excited to announce that our Keeper Password Manager was rated as a leading Enterprise, Mid-market, and Small Business password manager for Fall 2022 by users on G2, the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplace. Keeper was also recognized as a leader in password management in Europe and for having the best relationship index of any single sign-on (SSO) software.
We’re excited to announce a new way to monitor all of the companies you care about, but maybe don’t need all the granular security data on. Watch List lets you monitor the high-level score information of companies you care about without consuming a more detailed Portfolio slot.
Honeypots are, at a high level, mechanisms for luring attackers in order to distract them from legitimate access or to gather intelligence on their activities. We’re going to build a small example here of a honeypot using vlcuster and Falco. In this first episode, we explain how to build a simple SSH honeypot using vcluster and Falco for runtime intrusion detection.