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8 Ways Indian Organizations Can Mitigate Cyber Threats

Global cybersecurity is becoming more reliant on using advanced, more complex safety mechanisms to resolve vulnerabilities. Governments and businesses worldwide struggle to safeguard their data and networks and prevent future crises. At the same time, cyber threats are becoming just as complex. With each new step in cybersecurity innovation, cyber threats also gain momentum, eventually posing major security challenges for governments.

Software Supply Chain Risk Management

Can you imagine a world without software? No, neither can I. The same goes for many other technology-based products, such as cell phones. Software is everywhere and it’s critical to businesses of all sizes. In this article, we discuss the software supply chain risk management process needed to protect your business from risks in the software supply chain and how that affects product development speed in what seems like an ever-changing market landscape.

How to Secure Funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: The Deadline Is Approaching

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) includes cybersecurity and will to hand out millions to state and local governments to help them improve their security posture and ward off future cyber threats. Getting your entity’s share of the $185 million (for calendar year 2022), however, is more complicated than emailing the federal government or asking your state for some cash. With a deadline of Nov.

New features for enhanced Apple device management coming to Endpoint Central

Earlier this year in June, Apple announced a fresh set of updates to Apple device management mainly focused on improving device security and elevating the device user’s experience. These enhancements and new features are now here and you can leverage them through ManageEngine Endpoint Central to manage your enterprise devices better and deliver the best device experience to your employees.

Encryption Key Management in Microsoft 365

Encryption is an essential means of protecting sensitive information and is required for certain types of data under many regulations. As more companies move to the Cloud and introduce Microsoft 365 (M365) applications like Teams and SharePoint Online to their communication and collaboration channels, the potential for data getting into the wrong hands grows exponentially making encryption strategies essential.

Kubescape adds CIS benchmark, boosting security and compliance scanning

Kubescape can now automatically scan Kubernetes clusters against the Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmark, identify compliance gaps, suggest remediations, and monitor for drifts. This feature was born as a direct response to requests we received from Kubescape’s community and we’re excited to launch it. In this version, Kubescape supports CIS Kubernetes V1.23. In the next releases CIS GKE, AKS, and EKS frameworks will be supported as well.

How the Travel Industry is using emerging technologies in Identity Verification and Digital Onboarding

As per the World Economic Forum, digitization processes in travel, tourism, and the aviation industry will build up to $305 billion in value between 2016 and 2025. Digitalization has sped up the onboarding processes for the travel industry. And at the same time, it has also smoothened the customer travel experience. However, the travel sector has to deal with a large number of customers in a day. As you all know, they come under a lot of pressure to deliver efficient and quick services.