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Choosing a PCI DSS 4.0 Compliance Product in 2023

With violation penalties of up to $100,000 per month until full compliance is achieved, every entity processing cardholder data can't afford to miss a PCI DSS compliance gap. But with the expanding digital landscape increasing the complexity of information security, complying with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard is difficult unless you leverage a product that can help you track your compliance efforts.

Exploring the EU Cybersecurity Certification Framework

In 2019, The European Parliament introduced the European Cybersecurity Certification Framework in response to growing cyber threats and the need for more robust cybersecurity measures. These certification schemes were part of the broader cybersecurity policy introduced with the European Union Cybersecurity Act, which boosted cybersecurity measures and cyber resilience across EU member states.

What are the Cybersecurity Requirements of SEC Regulation S-P?

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) enacted Regulation S-P (Reg S-P) in 2000 to safeguard the financial information of consumers. The regulation requires financial institutions to develop written policies to protect customer records and regulate their internal data disposal activities. In March 2023, the SEC proposed amendments to Regulation S-P.

What You Need to Know About Security Compliance Management

Security compliance management is that set of policies, procedures, and other internal controls that an organization uses to fulfill its regulatory requirements for data privacy and protection. Put another way, security compliance management is a subset of regulatory compliance management that specifically addresses data protection. Clearly security compliance management is important.

How we scaled our security culture at Vanta

‍Security is at the heart of what we do at Vanta—helping our customers improve their security and compliance posture starts with our own. Our team’s mission is to ensure that Vanta is a trusted and trustworthy steward of customer data. ‍ At Vanta, we believe that nurturing and scaling our security culture is one of the most powerful ways to achieve our mission. We define security culture as the norms, behaviors, and attitudes around security.

Tips and Tools for Open Source Compliance

You don’t need us to tell you that open source software is becoming a very significant percentage of commercial software codebases. Open source components are free, stable, and enable you to focus your resources on the innovative and differentiated aspects of your work. But as the use of open source components increases, compliance with open source licenses has become a complex project of growing importance. So how can you stay on top of compliance and what tools are out there to help?

Achieving NIS2 Compliance: Essential Steps for Companies

In an increasingly digital world, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for companies. With the rise of sophisticated cyber threats, protecting critical infrastructure and ensuring the continuity of essential services has become a top priority. The EU’s Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2), which supersedes the previous directive from 2016, establishes a framework to enhance the security and resilience of network and information systems.

NIS 2 Directive: Leveraging regulatory compliance and technology to reduce risk

Cyber threats pose a significant risk to organizations due to today's increasingly interconnected digital landscape. To address these challenges and ensure the security and resilience of critical infrastructure and digital services, the European Union introduced the Directive (UE) 2022/2555, commonly known as NIS 2 - which was actually approved on the same day as DORA, both being critical in how the EU is leveraging regulatory compliance and technology to reduce cyber risk.

5 Ways CISOs Can Prepare for SEC Cybersecurity Compliance

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently announced a ruling aimed at enhancing public companies’ cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance and incident disclosure. To sum it up, companies must report cyberattacks within four days of determining an incident is “material” and divulge details about their cybersecurity programs annually.