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What is The Network and Information Security 2 Directive (NIS2)?

The Network and Information Security 2 (NIS2) Directive is the European Union's (EU) second attempt at an all-encompassing cybersecurity directive. The EU introduced the legislation to update the much-misinterpreted Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive (2016) and improve the cybersecurity of all member states. It signed NIS2 into law in January 2023, expecting all relevant organizations to comply by October 18th, 2024.

Choosing a NIST CSF Compliance Product in 2023 (Key Features)

Whether you’re a large or small business, the cybersecurity framework by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (a federal agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce) offers an efficient roadmap to an improved cybersecurity posture. Compared to other popular cyber frameworks, like ISO 27001, NIST CSF is more effective at mitigating data breaches, especially during the initial stages of implementing a cyber risk management program.

Road to DORA and PS21/3 Compliance: Leveraging Technology to Reduce Risk

In today's interconnected and digital world, businesses face increasing risks, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. To address these risks and ensure the operational resilience of financial institutions, industries and governments push for regulatory frameworks. Two prominent examples are the EU's Digital Operational Resilience Act (“DORA”) and the UK's Prudential Standard PS21/3 (“PS21/3”).

GDPR and Biometric Data: Ethical Considerations and Privacy Implications

As technology advances and the use of biometric data becomes more prevalent, it is crucial to address the privacy concerns and regulatory compliance associated with this sensitive data. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) plays a key role in safeguarding individuals’ privacy rights and ensuring the responsible handling of biometric data. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can also be utilized to ensure compliance and responsible handling of biometric data.

Securing Critical Infrastructures in Germany: Navigating KRITIS Regulation

Germany is widely acknowledged as one of the most technologically advanced nations. However, this prominence also implies a significant reliance on its critical infrastructures (KRITIS), which are essential to the smooth operation of the state and society. To safeguard these infrastructures, Germany has enacted new laws, IT Security Act 2.0 and KRITIS Regulation 2.0, that aim to improve the security of IT systems.

Visualizing Trust Assurance: The Story Behind Our New Look

Customers come to us for many reasons: to spend less time preparing for audits and answering security questionnaires, to prove their impact to their boss and board, to log into fewer systems, to save money, to strengthen their security posture, to make it easier for their colleagues to support compliance efforts – to name a few.

What the EU NIS2 Directive Is and How to Be NIS2 Compliant

In the dynamic and ever-shifting realm of cybersecurity, the Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (NIS2 Directive) has emerged as a cornerstone framework, designed to ensure the safety of critical network and information systems across the European Union. This recent directive, which has entered into force, holds considerable significance, casting far-reaching implications for diverse sectors and entities operating within the EU.

Understanding the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a U.S. federal law regulating consumer credit information collection, dissemination, and use by consumer reporting agencies. Understanding the FCRA is vital for organizations directly utilizing consumer credit information and individuals who want to exercise their rights over their personal credit information. Monitor your organization’s attack surface and stay FCRA compliant with UpGuard BreachSight >