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Comply with India's Digital Personal Data Protection Act using Endpoint Central

Many countries across the globe are realizing the importance of the right to privacy in the digital era. The GDPR, the data privacy legislation for the European Union, came into force in 2018 and became the guiding star for an array of privacy laws. The Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDPA) by the Indian government is the latest privacy law aimed at protecting individuals’ privacy while ensuring hassle-free business operations.

Building a cloud-based financial app with regulatory compliance

Financial institutions recognize the advantages of migrating apps to the cloud or adopting a multicloud approach. While modern technologies offer tremendous opportunities, they also present challenges related to safeguarding customer data, cybersecurity, and complying with the law in the strictly regulated finance sector. How can you create a cloud-based FinTech app and ensure its compliance with industry regulations?

Choosing a HIPAA Compliance Product in 2023

All covered entities must comply with HIPAA or face fines of up to $50,000 for every violation. However, with such high cybersecurity standards and insufficient implementation guidance, it's not surprising that HIPAA violations are common occurrences. To overcome the challenges of adhering to HIPAA’s stringent safeguards, covered entities are turning to HIPAA compliance software for support.

How Much Does it Cost to Get SOC 2?

A commonly asked question about SOC 2 is “How much does a SOC 2 attestation cost?” However, there isn’t a single answer, because the cost depends on multiple factors. The total costs of a SOC 2 audit can range from tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. In this article, we will see what specific factors influence an audit’s cost, how you can estimate the expense, the cost breakdown, and how you can lower this expense with the help of automation.

8 questions about AI and compliance

AI is one of the hottest topics in tech right now. More than half of consumers have already tried generative AI tools like ChatGPT or DALL-E. According to a Gartner poll, 70% of executives say their business is investigating and exploring how they can use generative AI, while 19% are in pilot or production mode. Business use cases for AI range from enhancing the customer experience (38%), revenue growth (26%), and cost optimization (17%).

What is ISO 27002:2022 Control 8.9? A Quick Look at the Essentials

The basic parameters that control how hardware, software, and even entire networks operate are configurations, whether they take the form of a single configuration file or a collection of connected configurations. For instance, the default properties a firewall uses to control traffic to and from a company's network, such as block lists, port forwarding, virtual LANs, and VPN information, are stored in the firewall's configuration file.

Achieving Superior Security with Continuous Compliance

In a digital-first world, safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring compliance with industry regulations are paramount. Enter "Continuous Compliance" – a dynamic approach reshaping the cybersecurity paradigm. As a key part of an effective compliance strategy, continuous compliance is pivotal in fortifying security measures. This modern strategy empowers organizations to stay one step ahead of cyber criminals by fostering real-time monitoring and rapid response to potential threats.

Fulfilling Access-Related NYDFS Cybersecurity Requirements

The New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) Cybersecurity Regulation, commonly referred to as NYCRR 500, lays out stringent cybersecurity requirements that financial companies operating in New York must adhere to. To navigate the complex landscape of NYCRR 500, companies are turning to innovative solutions like Entitle to streamline compliance efforts and bolster their cybersecurity posture. ‍