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TrustCloud Business Intelligence Dashboards Empower CISOs to Present Financial Impact of Risk, Security, and Compliance Program to Board of Directors

TrustCloud Business Intelligence helps GRC and Security professionals track and share how their trust program adds efficiency, reduces financial liability and risk, improves security, and drives revenue growth-proving to business leaders that GRC is a profit center.

How we operationalize security risk assessments at Vanta

This post is part of an ongoing series where you’ll hear directly from Vanta’s own Security, Enterprise Engineering, and Privacy, Risk, & Compliance Teams to learn about the team’s approach to keeping Vanta—and most importantly, our customers—secure. In today’s post, you’ll hear from Rob Picard, who leads Vanta’s Security team, and Matt Cooper, who leads Vanta’s Privacy, Risk, & Compliance team. ‍

GDPR Compliance Guide: A 9-Step Checklist

With many nuances to consider, adhering to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements can be a daunting task. After all, the entirety of the GDPR consists of a whopping 99 Articles. Fortunately, by following a GDPR security checklist, you can help your organization ensure that all required facets of data security are covered without sifting through pages and pages of legalese.

Fortify data security with FIPS-compliant OpManager

In an era where data breaches and cyberthreats are a constant concern, ensuring the security of your network monitoring systems is paramount. The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) compliance standard serves as a robust benchmark for data security. In this comprehensive blog, we’ll explore the importance of FIPS compliance and delve into how OpManager, leading network management software, adheres to these standards to bolster security for its users.

Ensuring Compliance in an Ever-Evolving Cloud Security Landscape

According to CSO the fines incurred for data breaches or non-compliance with security and privacy laws, for only a handful of companies, has cost $4.4 billion. The global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.45 million, a 15% increase over 3 years (IBM). The challenge for organizations is how to safeguard sensitive information while adhering to the law, but without compromising innovation. Cyber threats loom large, affecting businesses in every industry.

Using ISO 27002: 2022 to Improve Information Security Practices

ISO/IEC 27002 offers guidance on implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMSP). This international standard is very effective at helping organizations protect themselves against various information security risks through a series of security control categories. However, with the standard addressing such diverse information security risks, cybersecurity teams often find implementation and maintaining alignment a significant challenge.

A Guide to ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management Systems

The International Standardization Organization (ISO) introduced the latest version of ISO 22301 in 2019. This framework includes strategies, standards, and requirements organizations can use to implement a business continuity management system (BCMS). To appeal to and assist the most comprehensive array of organizations, ISO 22301 includes generic regulatory requirements that organizations can implement to improve organizational resilience in various contexts.

Securing Essential Services: NIS Compliance Guidelines for OES

The EU Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive was adopted by the European Commission in 2016 and focused on establishing comprehensive cybersecurity regulations across the European Union. The NIS Directive is a robust piece of legislation enforced by local laws within each member state, working alongside other EU-wide regulations like the GDPR. The NIS Directive applies to Digital Service Providers (DSPs) and Operators of Essential Services (OES).

Unpacking ISO 31010: Effective Risk Assessment Techniques

ISO 31010 is a supplementary document to the risk management standard ISO 31000. It was developed to support the risk assessment process in ISO 31000, outlining different risk assessment techniques to broaden the scope of an organization’s risk evaluation methods. This post offers a comprehensive overview of ISO/IEC 31010, highlighting the standard’s potential to increase the effectiveness of risk management strategies. Learn how UpGuard streamlines Vendor Risk Management >