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HIPAA Disaster Recovery Planning

In the digital era, Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are crucial in healthcare, making Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) an essential asset. However, ePHI is vulnerable to threats like cyber attacks and natural disasters, making disaster recovery planning (DRP) vital. Healthcare organizations must implement HIPAA-compliant DRPs to protect ePHI, ensuring continued operation during disasters.

Essential Eight Compliance: Key Metrics To Track

‍Cybersecurity has become crucial for businesses and government entities in today's ever-changing digital landscape. While various frameworks and guidelines are available, the Australian Signals Directorate's "Essential Eight" is an effective and practical approach to strengthening an organization’s security against cyber attacks and threat actors.

Getting started with procurement

If you’re part of a startup or small company and haven’t thought about procurement just yet, chances are that you should. Procurement is the method by which businesses discover, review, and purchase goods or services from an external source. While larger companies may have dedicated procurement teams, it’s important for small businesses to understand the process and consider their approach to avoid challenges down the line. ‍

Why Are CISOs Struggling with Governance, Risk, and Compliance Reporting?

This article was originally published in Cybersecurity Insiders. In our increasingly digitally connected world, cybersecurity risks are at an all time high and only growing. With this in mind, businesses are beginning to embrace and understand, if they didn’t before, just how essential a healthy governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) program is to their organization’s overall success.

A better audit experience for you - and your auditor, too

Today, we're excited to announce a collection of new capabilities that improves the audit experience for Vanta customers and their auditors. ‍ From before the audit even begins through audit closure — and every step along the way — Vanta has made improvements to streamline processes and increase opportunities for collaboration. Some capabilities are currently in beta, and we’ll continue to release new capabilities in the coming weeks and months. ‍

How to Pass an ISO 27001 Certification Audit

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to protect your organization’s sensitive data from cyber threats and attain an ISO 27001 certification. This guide provides a comprehensive overview for ensuring a smooth ISO 27001 audit of your information security management systems (ISMS). With this, you can confidently achieve and maintain an ISO 27001 certification without losing your mind in the process.

Key Management & BYOK in Microsoft 365 for GDPR Compliance

Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 are among the leading cloud services globally, but their limited Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) capabilities pose potential data security and compliance issues for organisations that must comply with the EU and global data sovereignty laws. Increased government concern over protecting sensitive personal, business, government and defence data in the Cloud has led to a complex regulatory landscape that aims to maintain control of citizen and government data.

What Is Security Posture?

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, an organization's security posture stands as a sentinel, guarding against cyber threats and vulnerabilities. But what exactly is a security posture, and why is it crucial for businesses today? This article delves deep into the heart of this matter, unraveling the concept and exploring the essential components that constitute a robust security posture.

Meeting the Third-Party Requirements of the Essential Eight

Today’s rapidly evolving digital world requires organizations to build a robust cybersecurity plan to safeguard internal infrastructures and oversee third-party vendors' cyber health. The Essential 8 is a cybersecurity framework developed by the Australian Signals Directorate designed to help organizations protect themselves against different cyber risks.

PCI ROC: What You Need to Know

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) aims to prevent financial fraud by securing payment card data. Any company that handles this data must implement security measures to ward off unauthorized access. In this process, you’ll come across key terms like PCI SAQ (Self-Assessment Questionnaire), AOC (Attestation of Compliance), and PCI ROC (Report on Compliance). Let’s focus on the ROC for now.