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Securing Student Data: TPRM for University Healthcare and Counseling

Universities are increasing their reliance on third-party providers for various services, such as electronic health records, telehealth platforms, insurance billing, and mental health support. While these partnerships enhance business operations and save valuable time, they also introduce significant cybersecurity risks.

Effective CRM Software: Minimizing Risks in Today's Tech Landscape

Today, effective customer relationship management is crucial for businesses in all industries amidst our rapidly evolving technological landscape. CRM software plays a pivotal role in enabling organizations to streamline processes, enhance security measures, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

The Need for Speed: "Material" Confusion under the SEC's Cyber Rules

This week, the SEC issued a statement addressing some of the rampant confusion and inconsistencies observed under the agency’s new cyber breach disclosure rule. The statement itself addresses a technical securities law requirement, that public companies should only use Item 1.05 of Form 8-K to disclose “material” cyber breach information (instead of making voluntary or immaterial disclosures).

The Race to Secure Operational Technologies is On

Whether it's because industrial control systems remain quite vulnerable to attacks, or because these systems manage valuable physical resources and uptime is essential—or a bit of both—attackers are increasingly targeting operational technology (OT) and industrial control systems (ICS).

Leadership Strategies for Risk Reduction, Transparency, and Speed

To respond to the increasing number of federal cybersecurity recommendations and regulations, cybersecurity leaders and their teams need to be confident in the transparency and resiliency of their security processes. The key is a strong and well documented risk management program. This is imperative for the compliance or incident audits that come with regulations.

DFPM and DSPM: Two Steps Towards Modernizing Data Security

Data security is evolving. This evolution is making the need to understand what is going on with your data more critical. Teams need to be able to answer questions like, where is data being stored? Which vendor or team is using it? When is sensitive data being used? Where is data being sent?

The Growing Threat: Understanding the Risks of Cyberattacks in Today's Digital World

In the modern digital landscape, where the safety of our online assets, including ensuring that our website is safe, is paramount, the prevalence of cyberattacks has escalated dramatically, posing a significant threat to individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide. With the advancement of technology, cybercriminals have developed increasingly sophisticated methods to exploit vulnerabilities in networks, systems and devices, leaving no stone unturned in their quest to compromise data security.

EPA Alert Warns Nation's Drinking Water at Risk: SecurityScorecard's recommendations for securing critical infrastructure

This week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warned that cyberattacks against water utilities across the country are becoming more frequent and more severe. The agency urged water systems to take immediate actions to protect the nation’s drinking water. According to the EPA, there are more than 150,000 public water systems across the U.S. serving over 300 million people—virtually all of which are administered and secured at local levels of government.

How Cyber Risk Ratings Platforms Have Evolved - And Why Bitsight is a Leader

Bitsight was named a Leader in The Forrester Wave: Cybersecurity Risk Ratings Platforms, Q2 2024 for a third consecutive time. Click here to download The Forrester Wave: Cybersecurity Risk Ratings Platforms, Q2 2024. We are incredibly proud to be highlighted as a Leader, and our placement in this report is validation of our ongoing effort to help risk and security leaders identify exposure, prioritize investment, communicate with stakeholders, and mitigate risk.

SecurityScorecard Named a Leader in the Forrester Wave for Cybersecurity Risk Ratings

Today, we’re proud to announce that Forrester has named SecurityScorecard a Leader in The Forrester Wave: Cybersecurity Risk Ratings Platforms, Q2 2024. Forrester identified the 10 most significant vendors in cybersecurity risk ratings and scored them based on the strengths of their current offering, strategy, and market presence.