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Ultimate Guide to Vendor Risk Scoring

Vendor risk scoring is a critical component within vendor risk management (VRM) or third-party risk management (TPRM) programs and an organization’s overall risk management strategy. Risk scoring is an integral tool in the risk assessment process, helping organizations identify, evaluate, and mitigate potential risks associated with third-party vendors or service providers.

Enterprise Risk Management Failures: Insights from the Cencora Breach

In a significant cybersecurity incident, Cencora, a leading pharmaceutical services provider, experienced a data breach in February 2024, exposing sensitive patient information from 11 major pharmaceutical companies. This breach underscores the critical importance of robust enterprise risk management, vulnerability management, and endpoint security in protecting sensitive data and managing online reputation.

Race to KEV Remediation: Who Tops the Charts in Europe?

In our global study of the CISA KEV Catalog, we uncovered widespread vulnerabilities and the swift pace at which threats evolve. As we dissect the layers of data from the report, it becomes evident that each country's unique approach to cybersecurity regulation, vulnerability management, and remediation presents distinct challenges and opportunities.

Strengthening compliance and risk management with Elastic Observability: A case for India's banking sector

In navigating the complex landscape of regulatory compliance and risk management, India's banking sector faces unique challenges, particularly in meeting directives outlined by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In). As organizations strive to adhere to these stringent requirements, Elastic Observability emerges as a powerful ally, offering advanced log analytics capabilities tailored to address regulatory mandates and mitigate operational risks.

Human Risk Management and Security Awareness Training

A notable statistic has appeared in the cybersecurity research landscape: Phishing and pre-texting accounted for 73% of breaches in 2023. That’s according to the 2024 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, and the alarming use of humans as a vector for initial access is mirrored elsewhere.

10 Common Types of Digital Risks

Organizations across all industries are becoming more reliant on digital technology to get the job done. In this era of digital transformation, technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), social media, Machine Learning (ML), big data analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Augmented Reality (AR) exist to help organizations realize their strategic business objectives.

5 Most Common Types of Internal Accounting Controls

Accounting is a core function in every business. Organizations need accounting teams to track revenue and expenses, evaluate financial performance, create budgets and financial projections, and maintain compliance. Skilled accountants provide up-to-date financial information to support decision-making. Unfortunately, the word “accounting” is often followed by the word “scandal,” especially given examples such as Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, Hertz, Lehman Brothers, and Bernie Madoff.

Automated Vendor Risk Assessments: How to + Tips

Across today’s interconnected business landscape, organizations are increasing their reliance on third-party vendors and service providers to streamline operations, reduce costs, and access specialized services and expertise. This increased dependency on third parties introduces significant organizational risks, including data privacy violations, operational disruptions, reputational damage, supply chain attacks, and devastating data breaches.