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Third-Party Risk Management Example

With third-data breaches and their subsequent financial impacts on the rise, Third-Party Risk Management is becoming a non-negotiable inclusion in an organization’s cybersecurity strategy. For those new to this risk management area, this post outlines a high-level framework for applying TPRM principles to a third-party risk context. Learn how UpGuard streamlines Vendor Risk Management >

Integrating your TPRM Stack for Seamless Vendor Lifecycle Management

Every cybersecurity team is being challenged to do more with less. CISOs experience top-down pressure to maximize the value of their resources, consolidate vendors as much as possible, and optimize their tool stack. And, they have unchanged expectations of keeping their organization safe across ever-growing digital supply chains. But traditional approaches to VRM often leave cybersecurity teams grappling with a tangled web of manual processes, disparate tools, and fragmented data.

Integrating High-Level Risk Management and Cyber Security

Successful entrepreneurs all have one thing in common: they know how to manage business risks effectively, even as they evolve. Since the inception of the modern marketplace, and arguably before, innovative leaders have been able to assess their organizations' internal and external vulnerabilities and develop mitigation strategies accordingly.

Ivanti EPM Cloud Services Appliance - Taking advantage of a backdoor to detect a vulnerability

At Bitsight, part of the Vulnerability Research team's core work involves analyzing vulnerabilities in order to create detection capabilities that can be implemented on an Internet-wide scale.

Complying With the New SEC Cybersecurity Regulations: A How-to Guide

‍Since the SEC's latest cybersecurity regulations went into effect, thousands of companies have already been compelled to submit their annual Form 10-K with the novel Item 1C. Similarly, dozens of organizations have filed updated Form 8-Ks to disclose cybersecurity incidents. Slowly but surely, these public reports are helping investors become more aware of the intrinsic relationship between cyber risk and market value.

7-Step Third-Party Risk Assessment Process

Third-party risk assessments identify, evaluate, and mitigate potential risks that third-party vendors might introduce into business operations. These processes form the foundation for a proactive risk management program, meeting regulatory requirements while safeguarding organizational assets and preventing reputational damage. Cyber risk assessments help identify any security hazards that could potentially disrupt operations and the supply chain.

How to Perform a Third-Party Risk Assessment in 2024

A Third-Party risk assessment is a critical component of a Third-Party Risk Management program. Without understanding how to properly execute these assessments, the efficiency of your TPRM program will remain limited. This post provides a detailed six-step guide for performing third-party risk assessments in cybersecurity.

Top 8 Third-party Risk Assessment Software Options in 2024

The right choice of Third-party risk assessment software will automate risk assessment workflows and boost the efficiency of your Third-Party Risk Management program. This post reviews the top eight contenders in the TPRM and supply chain risk management market to help you make the right choice for your third-party cybersecurity objectives.

DORA Regulation: What Financial Institutions Need To Do

As a cybersecurity company, Obrela is vigilant in monitoring the evolving regulations and how these impact our clients, especially those in the financial sector. With the introduction of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), we see a transformative step forward in the European Union’s approach to financial cyber resilience. Here’s an overview of what DORA entails and what it means for financial entities.

ZenGRC: Simplifying Governance, Risk, and Compliance for Tomorrow's Business Challenges

At RiskOptics, our mission is to make GRC simple, and it’s been that way since the inception of ZenGRC in 2009. With an in-house team of GRC experts and a development model focused on customer and industry challenges, we pride ourselves on being collaborative, innovative, and transparent.