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Getting started with Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM)

AI risk and security management is unsurprisingly Gartner’s number one strategic technology trend for 2024. But you might be less familiar with number two: Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM). Coined by Gartner in 2022, CTEM isn’t just another buzzy acronym – it’s a powerful process that can help continuously manage cyber hygiene and risk across your online environment.

Helping Smaller Reporting Companies Adhere to 8-K Regulations With CRQ

In March 2022, when the not-so-new-anymore SEC cybersecurity regulations were initially drafted, some argued that smaller reporting companies, defined by having a public float of less than $250 million or an annual revenue of less than $100 million, should be exempt, given the "outsized costs" they faced. Others proposed that these smaller organizations should have a longer disclosure deadline, helping to alleviate the chances of non-compliance.

Ongoing Monitoring for Third-Party Risk Management (Full Guide)

Ongoing monitoring is a key step in effective Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) that helps ensure continuous compliance, cybersecurity performance, and risk management of external vendors and service providers. It’s a necessary step that reinforces how vendors are managing their cybersecurity processes to prevent potential data breaches or reputational damage.

What is the Importance of Internal Controls in Corporate Governance Mechanisms?

At the core of business management are the rules, practices and processes that define how your organization is directed, operated and controlled. This system, known as corporate governance, is aimed at creating more ethical business practices by aligning the interest of your organization’s stakeholders. In today’s business environment, the more ethical-and transparent-your organization is about its corporate governance practices, the more financially viable it will be.

Latrodectus, are you coming back?

At the end of May 2024, the largest ever operation against botnets, dubbed Operation Endgame, targeted several botnets including IcedID, SystemBC, Pikabot, Smokeloader, Bumblebee, and Trickbot. This operation significantly impacted the botnets by compromising their operations and shutting down their infrastructure. Although Latrodectus was not mentioned in the operation, it was also affected and its infrastructure went offline.

Risk Control & Risk Management: What's the Difference?

Risk control and risk management are two essential parts of any organization’s efforts to manage risk. Understanding the difference between the two is critical to identify vulnerabilities, monitor risks, and make informed decisions on managing risk effectively. In this article we’ll explore those distinctions between risk control and risk management, and provide five tactics for mastering organizational risk management.

Here's Why Regulatory Compliance is Important

You don’t have to jump through endless hoops to achieve regulatory compliance. By finding an easy way to comply with the right laws, regulations, and industry standards, regulatory compliance can offer several benefits for companies. Specific compliance requirements vary by industry and country. But in general, implementing regulatory compliance is a mandatory requirement for every sector and every company in countries with a robust business and economic landscape.

Data Governance: What It Is, It's Importance, and How To Get Started

A recent Gartner survey shared that, “61% of companies said their governance goals included optimizing data for business processes and productivity but only 42% of that group believed they were on track to achieve it.” Data governance is often viewed as a prohibitive, controlling, and time consuming process designed to slow down work. Traditional approaches to data governance can make it a complicated effort, detouring teams from implementing it, but it doesn’t have to be.

A Guide to Complying with the Australian Signals Directorate

The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) is a government agency responsible for providing foreign signals intelligence and ensuring information security for Australia’s national interests. The ASD also significantly enhances the nation’s cybersecurity through strategic advice, standards, and protective measures.

A Guide to New Zealand's Cybersecurity Standards

In an age of increasingly complex cyber threats, New Zealand has implemented robust cybersecurity standards to secure the online environment for individuals, businesses, and government entities. New Zealand's cybersecurity approach is unique and effective, from the overarching strategies laid out by national cybersecurity policies to specific regulatory requirements that impact sectors like healthcare and finance.