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GitGuardian launches Software Composition Analysis to make Open Source an asset, not a threat

Read how the latest addition to GitGuardian code security platform, automates vulnerability detection, prioritization, and remediation in software dependencies, directly impacting the health of your codebase.

Jit Announces Open Source License Detection and Tracking

Earlier this year Jit announced Software Bill of Materials, which catalogs every open source component in your codebase – making it easy to understand if you are using an open source component that is impacted by a newly disclosed security vulnerability. With our new release of Open Source License Detection, you’ll also be able to detect the associated license of each open source component in your codebase.

2024 OSSRA report: Open source license compliance remains problematic

Based on the audit data presented in the 2024 “Open Source Security and Risk Analysis” (OSSRA) report, organizations in all verticals should be concerned about the potential risk of litigation or threat to their intellectual property rights due to failure to comply with an open source license. The report’s findings show that over half—53%—of the 2023 audited codebases contained open source with license conflicts.

GitHub "besieged" by malware repositories and repo confusion: Why you'll be ok

As open source software development continues to evolve, so does its susceptibility to cybersecurity threats. One such instance is the recent discovery of malware repositories on GitHub. In this cybersecurity attack, threat actors managed to upload malicious code onto GitHub, a platform that hosts millions of code repositories and is used by developers worldwide.

2024 OSSRA Report: Dead code risk in open source components

Highlighting the critical need for improved maintenance practices among users of open source software, the new 2024 “Open Source Security and Risk Analysis” (OSSRA) report catalogs security concerns caused by the significant lag many organizations have in keeping the open source components they use up-to-date.

Synopsys and GenAI

There is enormous attention on generative AI (GenAI) and its potential to change software development. While the full impact of GenAI is yet to be known, organizations are eagerly vetting the technology and separating the hype from the real, pragmatic benefits. In parallel, software security professionals are closely watching the practical impact of GenAI and how application security testing (AST) must adapt as adoption increases.

VMware vs KVM: A 5-Point Analysis

Following the boat-rocking acquisition acquisition of VMware by Broadcom at the end of 2023, uncertainty and skepticism has been looming among VMware customers as the changes were fast and drastic, impacting everyone in one way or another. While VMware still remains the virtualization leader and isn’t going anywhere (especially for large customers), a number of smaller organizations have been poking around to find whether realistic alternatives exist.

A Comprehensive Guide to Open-Source Security

Open source security is a term used to describe the process of protecting your organization’s data and network from attack by using open-source software. It refers to the use of open-source software (OSS) for data protection. Open source software is free to use, meaning that anyone can access it without paying fees. This allows organizations to take advantage of the collective knowledge and experience of thousands of people who have contributed code or worked on projects together.