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Going beyond reachability to prioritize what matters most

Most modern applications contain a substantial number of open source packages, libraries, and frameworks. In fact, it's estimated that at least 80% of the source code in modern applications is from open source. In addition to relying heavily on commodity components to build applications, development teams often deploy these apps and services via community-sourced container base images.

Two of Wallarm's Open-source Tools Have Been Accepted into Black Hat Arsenal 2024

We're gearing up with some seriously cool stuff for Black Hat! But first, a little sneak peek - not just one, but TWO of Wallarm's open-source tools will be featured in the Arsenal showcase at Black Hat USA this year. Black Hat Arsenal unites researchers and the open-source community to display their newest open-source tools and products, allowing presenters to engage directly with attendees. Its schedule is now live, so save the date to watch presentations of API Firewall and GoTestWAF.

The Importance of OSINT in Application Security

In our interconnected online world, the security of applications and the data they process is essential. Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) plays a critical role in enhancing application security by offering valuable insights into potential threats, vulnerabilities, and the overall security posture of an organization.

CRYSTALRAY: Inside the Operations of a Rising Threat Actor Exploiting OSS Tools

The Sysdig Threat Research Team (TRT) continued observation of the SSH-Snake threat actor we first identified in February 2024. New discoveries showed that the threat actor behind the initial attack expanded its operations greatly, justifying an identifier to further track and report on the actor and campaigns: CRYSTALRAY. This actor previously leveraged the SSH-Snake open source software (OSS) penetration testing tool during a campaign exploiting Confluence vulnerabilities.

Quantifying the Probability of Flaws in Open Source

Jay Jacobs and I recently delivered an RSA presentation called Quantifying the Probability of Flaws in Open Source. Since many people didn’t get a chance to see it, I thought I’d summarize some of the findings here for posterity. The question we investigated was simple, at least conceptually: what are the red flags of an open-source repository? Are there characteristics of a given open source library that would reliably indicate it was safer than others?

CVE-2024-6387: Critical Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in OpenSSH

On July 1, 2024, OpenSSH released fixes for CVE-2024-6387, a vulnerability in OpenSSH’s server (sshd) on glibc-based Linux systems allowing for potential Remote Code Execution (RCE). OpenSSH is a widely-used suite of secure networking tools based on the SSH protocol, providing encryption for secure communication and file transfers, and is essential for remote management on Unix systems. CVE-2024-6387 is a signal handler race condition that allows unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) as root.

Quick start guide for using Calico policies for Calico Open Source users

Calico policies are a way to enforce network security at the pod level. This blog post will provide a comprehensive overview of Calico policies for Calico OS (Open Source) users. We will cover the basics of Calico policies, including what they are, how they work, and how to use them. We will also provide best practices for using Calico policies and examples of how they can be used in real-world scenarios.

Quick Guide to Popular AI Licenses

Only about 35 percent of the models on Hugging Face bear any license at all. Of those that do, roughly 60 percent fall under traditional open source licenses. But while the majority of licensed AI models may be open source, some very large projects–including Midjourney, BLOOM, and LLaMa—fall under that remaining 40 percent category. So let’s take a look at some of the top AI model licenses on Hugging Face, including the most popular open source and not-so-open source licenses.