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Using BPF to Transform SSH Sessions into Structured Events

Teleport 4.2 introduced a new feature called Enhanced Session Recording that takes an unstructured SSH session and outputs a stream of structured events. It’s the next step in Teleport’s evolution that uses new technology (eBPF or now simply known as BPF) to close some gaps in Teleport’s audit abilities. Below you can see an illustration of this feature and if you keep reading, we’ll get into some of the technical details.

Only Half of Cloud Vulnerabilities Pose Actual Security Threats, Finds Rezilion Study

Beersheba, Israel, February 27, 2020 Rezilion, the autonomous cloud workload protection platform, today announced the results of a comprehensive vulnerability analysis, concluding that only half of the vulnerabilities in cloud containers ever posed a threat.

Kubernetes Security at RSA: The Time is Now

The RSA Conference—”Where the World Talks Security”—begins today. It’s a perfect time to take a hard look at security, and to investigate new solutions that help us all stay ahead of attacks and minimize risks. The team from Styra and Open Policy Agent will be there—eager to discuss advances in security for the cloud-native world.

Security Audit Results for Our Open Source Products

We now live in an era where the security of all layers of the software stack is immensely important, and simply open sourcing a code base is not enough to ensure that security vulnerabilities surface and are addressed. At Gravitational, we see it as a necessity to engage a third party that specializes in acting as an adversary, and provide an independent analysis of our sources.

Image scanning for CircleCI

In this blog post, we are going to cover how to perform container image scanning for CircleCI using Sysdig Secure. Image scanning allows DevOps teams to detect and resolve issues, like known vulnerabilities and incorrect configurations, directly in their CI/CD pipelines. Using Sysdig Secure, you can enforce image policies to block vulnerabilities before they reach production environments and fix them faster while the developer still has the context.

Open Source Organizational Culture

I am not an engineer. I’m a director of human resources. I don’t work in a technical space, but the concept of open source is fascinating to me as it applies to organizational culture. A company like Gravitational that has intentionally chosen open source as a foundation for our work makes not only a technical decision, but a cultural one. We’re finding that employees and candidates care deeply and appreciate our choice. Open source is a big deal for us.

What Software Methodology Includes Security Automation?

Simply put, DevOps is a software methodology that includes security automation. Software engineering teams often equate DevOps and automation as synonymous. Most security experts believe that automation is the most quantifiable benefits for organizations. In this article, we will explore how DevOps security automation helps in achieving better software security.

RDS: Do Not Allow LPT Port Redirection

This policy specifies whether to prevent the redirection of data to client LPT ports during a Remote Desktop Services session. You can use this setting to prevent users from mapping local LPT ports and redirecting data from the remote computer to local LPT port peripherals. If a value is configured to Disabled or Not Configured, the attacker can leverage it to map the client’s LPT ports. In addition, he can use the port to redirect data from the Terminal Server to the local LTP ports.

M. Loewinger, Smartbear: "Each product has a DevOps lead who manages Detectify and all its findings"

Detectify user story: Smartbear offers automated software testing solutions that help development and testing teams ensure quality throughout the software development lifecycle. Martin Loewinger, Director of SaaS Operators at Smartbear, and his team use Detectify to ensure security is a part of each product CI/CD pipeline, so that they can help their end users with test automation and monitoring.