Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2024

Dealing with Insurance Companies in Des Moines During Personal Injury Claims: Strategies and Tips

Navigating the labyrinth of insurance companies during a personal injury claim in Des Moines can be intimidating, especially when you're focused on recovery. However, understanding the dynamics of these interactions and employing effective strategies with the help of a personal injury lawyer in Des Moines can significantly enhance your chances of securing a fair settlement. Here's a guide to dealing with insurance companies during personal injury claims.

Best practices to enhance Active Directory protection

Almost 90% of businesses employ Active Directory (AD) in their IT environments to manage user accounts and control access—yet every day, 95 million AD accounts are targeted by cyberattackers. It’s not surprising that AD is a popular target. Attackers can actively exploit user accounts and use them as an entry point to launch lucrative attacks. Find out how you can employ best practices to keep your AD safe from adversaries.

ISO 27001 Compliance: Checklist for Successful Certification

Achieving ISO 27001 compliance and certification will open countless doors with governmental, industrial, and other business relationships. As an internationally-recognized and trusted security framework, it’s taken quite seriously. That means you have to put your all into achieving certification if you hope to pass the auditing process. At Ignyte, we can help.

The Strategic Advantage of Hybrid DDoS Protection: Cost Efficiency and Enhanced Control

In the digital age, distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks pose a significant threat to organizations, potentially leading to service disruptions and financial losses. To effectively combat these threats, businesses are increasingly adopting hybrid DDoS protection solutions. By integrating cloud traffic scrubbing, on-premises local protection, global DDoS-specific threat intelligence, and an orchestration platform, hybrid solutions offer a comprehensive defense strategy.

BlueVoyant Security Diagnostics

BlueVoyant has guided hundreds of clients to assess, deploy, and optimize their Microsoft security products. Our sessions are personalized one-on-one engagements where we analyze your unique environment, provide insights and guidance, and help you make data-backed decisions about your next Microsoft Security investment. Optimize security and potentially save up to 60% - Consolidate your solutions with Microsoft, get more out of E5, leverage compliance and security add-ons.

Mastering KubeVirt VM Backup and Restore with CloudCasa

KubeVirt has revolutionized the handling of virtual machines (VMs) within Kubernetes environments, providing a seamless bridge between traditional and cloud-native infrastructure management. CloudCasa enhances this integration by offering comprehensive backup, restore, and migration services for VMs running on KubeVirt and KubeVirt-based systems such as SUSE Virtualization(Harvester) and Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization.