Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2024

CrowdStrike Named a Leader in the 2024 Forrester Wave: Attack Surface Management Solutions

CrowdStrike is proud to be named a Leader in The Forrester Wave: Attack Surface Management Solutions, Q3 2024. Our position as a Leader reinforces our belief that the rapid expansion of modern attack surfaces requires a powerful, unified solution — and CrowdStrike Falcon Exposure Management provides the critical capabilities modern organizations need.

Supporting Victims and Empowering Recovery - CyberAwareness Month 2024

As the digital world continues to grow, so do the threats within it. Cybercrime is no longer just an online inconvenience—it’s a serious issue affecting real lives, families, and communities. In recognition of Cyber Awareness Month this October, The Cyber Helpline is launching a crucial campaign to raise £50,000 to expand and enhance our vital services for victims of online harm.

Understanding and Detecting Lateral Movement

A ransomware attack is underway. The threat actor has gained initial access to an endpoint and executed malicious code on it. As far as the threat actor is concerned, things are going well. However, the next stage is critical to a ransomware attack’s success. Without the ability to spread throughout the entire environment, encrypting or locking up all systems, threat actors are unlikely to be able to extort payment from an organization.

6 Threat Modeling Examples for DevSecOps

As organizations push the boundaries of innovation, the need to embed security into every layer of the development process has never been more pressing. DevSecOps—a practice that integrates security directly into the DevOps pipeline—has emerged as a critical approach to staying ahead of potential threats. Yet, the challenge is knowing how to weave security seamlessly into these complex, fast-moving environments.

Unlocking the Power of Secure Identities with Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS)

As businesses continue to embrace cloud services for scalability and cost efficiency, cybersecurity is following a similar trend. To stay ahead of evolving threats, companies are increasingly adopting Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) as a comprehensive solution. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) deliver Identity Security to help businesses achieve key objectives.

Trustwave's 7-Step Guide to Building a Healthcare-Focused Cybersecurity Framework

Healthcare organizations face increasing challenges in safeguarding patient data. With the rise of cyber threats and stringent regulatory requirements and potential patient impact, it’s crucial to have a robust security framework in place. Trustwave offers comprehensive solutions tailored to the unique needs of the healthcare sector and has the in-house ability to manage any organization’s security apparatus.

Navigating Mental Health, Narcissism & Burnout in Cybersecurity with Lisa Ventura MBE

Welcome to Razorwire, the podcast where I, Jame Rees, cover the cybersecurity topics that matter with expert guests from across the industry. We aim to help cybersecurity professionals enhance their skills, improve their work performance, and boost their overall quality of life in this demanding field.