Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2024

Tips to optimize and secure Azure Functions

Organizations whose IT infrastructure relies heavily on Microsoft will often adopt Azure Functions as part of their cloud modernization strategy. Azure Functions is an on-demand serverless solution that enables you to build and deploy event-driven code without worrying about provisioning and managing infrastructure. Azure Functions offers simplified development and deployment, automatic scaling, and seamless integration with other Azure services all within a cost-efficient pay-for-what-you-use model.

Voices from Validate: The Role of Breach & Attack Simulation in Cybersecurity Testing

Security teams have a wide range of tools in their arsenal to combat cybersecurity threats, but the expanding attack surface and the sheer number of tools can make their jobs more difficult to manage. As we enter this new era of cybersecurity, security and risk management, leaders are focused on validating the efficacy of their security investments, improving ROI, and taking a more programmatic approach in order to enhance their efficiency.

Supply Chain Attack Fundamentals

Overview: Picture this: Your website included a 3rdparty component (such as a WordPress plug-in), and hackers used that as a backdoor to infiltrate your systems, which were secure on their own. This is a supply chain attack. Pollyfillio attack is a recent example of this where 100,000 websites were impacted last month. In this webinar, Vivekanand Gopalan (VP of Products - Indusface) and Phani Deepak Akella (VP of Marketing - Indusface) discuss strategy and tactics to protect your applications from supply chain attacks.

Change Management and File Integrity Monitoring - Demystifying the Modifications in Your Environment

When outsourcing the IT department was first introduced, many business owners hailed it as the solution to all their technology problems. The promise of reduced headcount, less overhead and sunk costs, as well as reduced management responsibilities, seemed like a gift that would boost profits. When cloud computing entered the business world, the same promises were realized. However, shifting responsibility to an outside administrator brought new risks to the organizations.

Building a Remediation Plan? How to Overcome the Top 5 Challenges

Building an effective remediation plan is crucial for enhancing security posture, ensuring compliance and minimizing operational risks. Modern attack surfaces with their ever-growing volume of vulnerabilities have only compounded pressures on remediation planning. Yet vulnerability and exposure management teams frequently encounter obstacles that slow down remediation planning, leading to increased risk exposure and potential regulatory penalties.

Soc 2 Compliance: An Overview of What Your Business Needs to Know

No matter the business size, the threat of data breaches or hacks is a dark cloud that hangs over every company. If data is mishandled, leaked, or stolen, the repercussions for businesses can be devastating. Cyberattacks on businesses can cause severe financial losses due to fines, legal fees, and remediation costs. As businesses are legally obliged to inform customers of a data breach, once customers find out, they can also cause irreparable damage to reputation, customer distrust, and loss of business.

Easy and Affordable Marketing for MSPs

Sales and marketing are common challenges for MSPs. In fact, 24% of MSPs say acquiring new clients is their number one problem. 29% say it’s competition. As an MSP, getting your name out there and differentiating yourself is a constant challenge. Most MSPs start out with word-of-mouth marketing, which works great — until it doesn’t. Referral-based marketing is limited in scope. Before long, you’ll find yourself faced with diminishing returns. So, what’s next?

Fewer, High-Profile Ransomware Attacks Are Yielding Higher Ransoms

Analysis of cryptocurrency payments made on the blockchain highlights shifts in the size and frequency of ransomware attacks and may paint a bleak picture for the remainder of the year. Each quarter, blockchain analysis company, Chainalysis, analyzes cybercriminal activity from the perspective of blockchain use to facilitate payments, crypto theft, etc.

65% of companies with shadow IT suffer data loss

The rise of SaaS applications and solutions has revolutionized the way we work. However, the unsanctioned use of these tools, known as shadow IT and shadow SaaS, poses a significant risk to corporate networks. A recent study reveals that the top risks associated with these practices include data loss (65%), lack of visibility and control (62%), and data breaches (52%). In fact, one in ten companies surveyed suspect that the use of tools without the consent of their IT teams has led to a data breach.

The Meaning of "Brute Force Attack" and How to Detect and Prevent Them

Ever since systems started restricting access through passwords, the trial and error method has been used to crack them. But even today, brute force attacks remain a serious danger for organizations. According to the 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report by Verizon, the brute force technique accounts for 21% of all basic web application attacks.