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July 2024

What is NGFW? Next generation firewall VS traditional firewall

Protecting an organization’s network perimeter has become increasingly complex. Traditional firewalls, once the cornerstone of network security, are now being supplemented and often replaced by more advanced solutions known as Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs). At Obrela, we believe in leveraging cutting-edge technologies to safeguard digital assets, and understanding the differences between traditional firewalls vs NGFWs is crucial for any robust security strategy.

Building a Robust Defense-in-Depth Architecture for Digital Transformation

Today's businesses are transforming through integrating IT and OT environments, a shift that's enhancing efficiency and unlocking new operational capabilities. Key functionalities like remote access and telemetry collection are becoming increasingly central in this digitally integrated landscape.

Network Isolation for DynamoDB with VPC Endpoint

DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is renowned for its scalability, dependability, and easy connection with other AWS services. Notwithstanding its manifold advantages, organizations continue to place a high premium on guaranteeing the security of data stored in DynamoDB. By default, DynamoDB can be accessed over the public network using HTTPS, ensuring secure communication with SSL/TLS encryption.

Salt Security Empowers API Governance with New Posture Policies Hub

In today's digital age, applications are no longer monolithic structures but intricate mosaics of interconnected APIs. These APIs are the foundation of modern software and allow for smooth communication and data exchange, providing the dynamic functionality users expect. However, as connectivity increases, so does the risk of exposure to cyberattacks. The security of APIs has become extremely important as cyber threats target these crucial points.

Why Your Business Needs Bot Protection Solution?

Our latest application security report shows a significant rise in bot attacks, jumping from 59.4 million in Q1 2023 to 147 million in Q1 2024—a 147% increase. These automated programs can disrupt services, compromise sensitive data, and threaten the integrity of online operations. To effectively mitigate these risks, businesses must adopt a robust bot protection solution.

Unlock Zero Trust: Why Database Security is the Missing Piece

As organizations consider their journey to establishing a strong Zero Trust culture, they must adopt a data-centric approach, and this begins with ensuring database security. Data, or more specifically, knowing your data, is at the heart of Zero Trust. This means databases must be considered critical assets with the appropriate security considerations applied.

A Guide to Building Modern Approaches to DDoS Protection

The digital world thrives on constant connectivity, making websites and online services the cornerstones of countless businesses. But these crucial platforms are constantly under siege by malicious actors. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, where attackers overwhelm an online service infrastructure with a flood of traffic, pose a significant threat, causing service disruption and downtime which results in financial losses and reputational damage.

Securing non-human identities in hybrid environments

Securing non-human identities is just as critical as managing human ones in today's complex IT landscapes. Non-human identities, such as service accounts, application identities, and IoT devices, play pivotal roles in automation and system integration. Managing these identities in hybrid environments, where on-premises Active Directory (AD) integrates with cloud-based Entra ID (formerly Azure AD), presents unique challenges.

Finding Top-Rated IAM Solutions for Your Enterprise

For modern organizations, identity and access management (IAM) solutions serve as the frontline defense for data security. They enable accurate and efficient management of identities and their access rights to content, applications and other IT resources. Activity auditing and analytics help IT teams promptly spot threats and respond effectively to preserve security and business continuity. Moreover, adopting IAM is a key step in embracing a Zero Trust security model.