Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2024

GenAI Attack Path Remediations for Panoptica

Generative AI technology is rapidly evolving, offering groundbreaking capabilities in various fields, including cloud native environments and CNAPP (Cloud-Native Application) solutions. Development of generative AI technology holds immense promise for enhancing the capabilities and performance of cloud-native environments and CNAPP solutions.

Smart thresholds: The answer to your security alert fatigue

SIEM solutions operate based on thresholds. These thresholds serve as predefined benchmarks that generate alerts when the alert criteria is met. While effective to some extent, this approach falls short on multiple fronts, particularly in the context of sophisticated attacks and dynamic environments. Static thresholds falling short One of the fundamental flaws of static thresholds lies in their rigidity.

Cyber Security vs Blind Faith

As we KEEP do more and more work around the world for corporations, government departments and CNI providers we’re seeing a recurring and worrying trend; Blind Faith. Whilst some of this may be cultural, it can no longer be used as justifiable reasoning for the failure to secure core assets, understand the possible threats or at least implement basic protections. Why?

4 approaches to vulnerability remediation

Vulnerability remediation is the process of identifying weaknesses and design flaws in your applications, prioritizing findings based off of the level of risk they pose, and then performing appropriate actions to resolve them. Options for vulnerability remediation include remediating (fixing) an issue, ignoring it (when it is not risky enough to merit the resources needed to fix it), or applying compensating controls to help counteract the risk posed by the vulnerability.

Wire Fraud: What It Is and How to Stop It

In 2023, based on wire fraud statistics nearly a quarter of consumers received suspicious communications, which may have occurred over text, email, phone, or social media. Of those who interacted with the sender, one in twenty consumers fell victim to wire fraud, which begins over electronic channels. That same year, consumers lost a reported $10 billion to fraudulent activities, a significant portion of which began as wire fraud.

What Does a Solid VM Ticketing Workflow Actually Look Like?

In this webinar, Scott Kuffer discusses the challenges and best practices of vulnerability management workflows and ticketing. He emphasizes the discrepancy between vulnerability management teams' priorities and the priorities of the business as a whole. Scott explores different ticketing workflows, starting with basic vulnerability-based tickets and progressing to more advanced options such as asset-based, team-based, and action-based tickets. He highlights the benefits of automating ticket creation and reporting, as well as the potential for redefining how vulnerability management is approached within organizations.

Demo: Code Intelligence's Fuzz Testing Platform. C/C++ example.

Sergej Dechand, Code Intelligence's CEO, demonstrates how developers can submit new code, which is automatically tested and analyzed for security issues. Sergej explains the process of running tests, assessing findings, and integrating with ticketing systems. You'll also see how to measure code coverage and download reports. It includes all the mentioned use cases with simulating hardware and autogenerated fuzz test setup..

Understanding Supply Chain Risk - Using SCA to protect your application

Understanding our supply chain means understanding all the components that make it. But this is harder than it appears. Open-source components make up 80 - 90% of our application's source code, but we must also remember that our open-source components are also made from open-source components, it's like supply chain inception. SCA or Software Composition Analysis is a security tool that looks at your entire supply chain and outlines vulnerabilities, including transitive or downstream dependencies.