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February 2024

End-to-End Encryption - What it is and How It Works

In an advanced interconnected world, the internet is essential in facilitating a significant portion of communications, making security a paramount concern. Whether you pick up a newspaper or follow a news link, you will see reviews of some other protection breach or hacking try. Despite the inherent risks associated with online communication and data exchange, the speed and convenience of technology make it a worthwhile endeavour. However, there is a strategy to address these concerns.

Decoding Cyber Security Innovations with SecurityScorecard CEO Alex Yampolskiy

As part of a multi-part series with NightDragon, Nasdaq, and J.P. Morgan, SecurityScorecard founder and CEO Dr. Aleksandr Yampolskiy sat down with NightDragon CEO Dave DeWalt and unveiled his deep-rooted passion for cybersecurity. Tracing back to an early encounter with a computer virus as a child, Yampolskiy discusses how this pivotal moment sparked an enduring curiosity, driving him toward a distinguished academic path.

From Confusion to Clarity: Red Sift Breaks Down Google and Yahoo's Email Security Requirements

Many people around the world right now are confused as to whether their organization is ready for Google and Yahoo’s new requirements for bulk senders. So don’t worry, you’re not alone. Back in October the announcement was made that there would be consequences for organizations sending more than 5,000 emails a day who didn’t have their email security in order. But what are the consequences? And who really needs to worry?

Trustwave MailMarshal Now Available on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace

Trustwave MailMarshal is now listed on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, an online store for solutions that are built on or built for Azure and intended for IT professionals and developers. Trustwave MailMarshal joins an illustrious list of IT software applications and services built by industry-leading technology companies.

Prioritizing Cybersecurity Training in 2024: From Corporations to Individuals | Razorthorn Security

In 2024, let's make cybersecurity training a top priority! Join me in exploring the crucial need for training initiatives, from corporate security teams down to individual laptop users. In this video, we discuss the importance of fostering a culture of security awareness, ensuring everyone can recognize the signs of potential threats. From corporate environments to personal devices, cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. I address the significance of providing training that goes beyond making everyone a hacker but equips them with the knowledge to identify and respond to potential risks.

How Do Cybercriminals Spread Malware?

Cybercriminals can spread malware through phishing attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, exploit kits and drive-by downloads. Cybercriminals typically use social engineering tactics to trick people into downloading malware or exploit security vulnerabilities to install malware without the victim knowing. Continue reading to learn more about malware, how cybercriminals spread it, how to detect if your device is infected and how to stay protected against malware.