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SearchGPT, Llama 3.1 & GPT-4o Mini - Monthly AI News By Protecto

OpenAI has launched a prototype called SearchGPT, a new AI-driven search tool that integrates advanced AI capabilities with real-time web information. This temporary prototype, currently available to a select group of users and publishers, aims to enhance how people find information online by providing fast, accurate answers with precise citations. The ultimate goal is to gather feedback and refine these features before integrating them into the broader ChatGPT platform.

A wild week in phishing, and what it means for you

Being a bad guy on the Internet is a really good business. In more than 90% of cybersecurity incidents, phishing is the root cause of the attack, and during this third week of August phishing attacks were reported against the U.S. elections, in the geopolitical conflict between the U.S., Israel, and Iran, and to cause $60M in corporate losses.

The EU AI Act: Ensuring Cybersecurity and Trustworthiness in High-Risk AI Systems

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way since John McCarthy first coined the term in 1955. Today, as AI technologies become deeply embedded in our daily lives, the potential they hold is immense – but so are the risks to safety, privacy, and fundamental human rights. Recognizing these concerns, the European Union (EU) took a proactive step in 2021 by proposing a regulatory framework aimed at governing AI.

Keeping humans in the loop of AI-enhanced workflow automation: 4 best practices

In today's rapidly advancing technology landscape, the role of people in workflow automation and orchestration is more critical than ever. At Tines, we firmly believe that human oversight should be an integral part of important workflows, ensuring that all decisions are grounded in context and experience. AI in Tines is secure and private by design. This means the platform doesn’t train, log, inspect, or store any data that goes into or comes out of language models.

API Attacks: Understanding Malicious and Malformed Threats

This video dives into two critical categories of API attacks: malicious intentions and malformed API threats. Learn why these dangers are becoming increasingly significant for modern companies and how API security can help prevent major incidents. Experts from GigaOm and Wallarm discuss how to identify and mitigate these vulnerabilities to ensure the safety of your data.

Building for the Future DevSecOps in the era of AI ML Model Development

Melissa McKay, JFrog Developer Advocate, and Sunil Bemarkar, AWS Sr. Partner Solutions Architect, discuss practical ways to mature your MLOps approach including bringing model use and development into your existing secure software supply chain and development processes. Watch to learn more and get a demo of the JFrog and Amazon SageMaker integration.

TracFone Breach Underscores Critical Need for Mobile Carrier API Security

The recent Federal Communications Commission (FCC) settlement with TracFone Wireless, Inc. (TracFone) for $16 million highlights a critical vulnerability within the mobile telecommunications industry: API security. The investigation revealed unauthorized access to customer data through weaknesses in TracFone's mobile carrier APIs. This incident reminds mobile carriers to prioritize robust API security measures to safeguard customer data and ensure network integrity.