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How to Securely Use AI in Your Business

Since ChatGPT's launch in November 2022, generative AI-based services have flooded nearly every single sector. While these tools have the potential to greatly increase work productivity, they also introduce risk that organizations may not be aware of. Some companies have taken the hardline approach of banning employee access to AI tools, but following that path runs the risk of leaving you lagging behind your competition.

Supercharge domain discovery with AI-powered External Attack Surface Management (EASM)

Modern organizations have sprawling attacks surfaces of known and unknown assets that grow each day. This means understanding and managing your external attack surface is more crucial than ever. But with the vast number of digital assets that organizations need to monitor, accurately identifying every component of your attack surface can seem overwhelming – which is why many turn to External Attack Surface Management (EASM).

The IT Hour | JumpCloud AI 08.09.24

It's time for an update on JumpCloud AI—Lindsey Thompson and Hugh Neale return to tell us what they've been working on and what's new in AI. Join us at 11:30 am ET The #IT Hour hosted by #JumpCloud is a #communityprogram focused on the life of #ITAdministrators. With the ever changing #ITlandscape, having community and professional networking opportunities is very valuable.

The Ultimate Guide to Cloud Management Support for Businesses

However, this transformative power comes with its challenges. Managing the cloud environment in your business requires careful planning and effective strategies. That's why, in today's guide, we'll offer an ultimate guide to cloud management support that can help your business ensure optimal performance, security, and cost-efficiency. Just read on.

How To Manage Sudo Users in Other Distributions: Guides on Similar Procedures for Different Linux Distributions

Jump to Tutorial Managing sudo users is one of the most important administrative tasks in any Linux distribution. This process allows a permitted user to run commands as the superuser or another user, defined through security policies. This reduces the potential security threat of having unprivileged users run any command on the system, and we can also audit executed commands or apply the least privilege principle.