Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Dangerous Docs: Surge in Cloud-delivered Malicious Office Documents

The global pandemic caused an abrupt shift to remote work among enterprise knowledge workers, which in turn resulted in an increase in risky behavior. Attackers immediately tried to capitalize on the pandemic, with COVID-19-themed phishing emails, scams, and Trojans. At the same time, techniques used in more sophisticated cyberattacks continued to evolve.

Measuring Performance in Node.js with Performance Hooks

Measuring performance in Node.js applications can sometimes be a challenge. Do to the nature of the event loop and asynchronous code, determining the actual time a piece of code takes to execute requires tools built into the platform. First added in Node.js v8.5, as stableas of v12, the Performance Measurement APIs are stable and allow much more accurate monitoring than earlier implementations.

Shadow IT shaken with a mobile twist

If you bring up the topic of “shadow IT” to your head of IT, you will likely get a lecture about how employees need to follow protocol when using cloud cloud services so they don’t put the organization at risk. They’re not wrong. Without proper protection, unsanctioned tools can have significant consequences and unintentionally introduce security gaps.

Leaky Images: Accidental Exposure and Malware in Google Photos and Hangouts

Did you know that the default link sharing option in Google Photos allows anyone with the link to view the files and all images shared in Google Hangouts that are publicly accessible? In this edition of our leaky app series, we will cover how image link sharing in Google Hangouts and Google Photos can lead to the accidental public exposure of sensitive data. We will also look at the threat detection capabilities of Google Photos and Google Hangouts.

Stories from the SOC - Cloud and On-site Protection

One of the benefits of having your managed detection and response (MDR) service managed by AT&T Cybersecurity is the visibility into threats from a large number of customers of all sizes and across different industries. This allows the team to take what they learn from one customer and apply it to another. Our security operation center (SOC) analysts were able to use an OTX alarm and an AWS correlation rule to discover open ports on public facing servers for two different customers in 24 hours.

iDevNews Application Architecture Summit 2020 | RBAC for SSH and Kubernetes Access with Teleport

Enterprises are best served by leveraging an RBAC system to manage access to their SSH and Kubernetes resources. With Teleport, an open source software, employers are able to provide granular access controls to developers based on the access they need and when they need it. This makes it possible for employers to maintain secure access without getting in the way of their developers’ daily operations. Join Steven Martin, Solution Engineer at Gravitational, as he demonstrates how to assign access to developers and SRE’s across environments with Teleport through roles mapped from enterprises’ identity providers or SSOs.

Demo | Access Workflow Integration Using Pager Duty | Privileged Access Management | Teleport

Teleport allows you to implement industry-best practices for SSH and Kubernetes access, meet compliance requirements, and have complete visibility into access and behavior. But invariably, change happens. Teleport allows users to request elevated privileges in the middle of their command-line sessions and create fully auditable dynamic authorizations . These requests can be approved or denied in PagerDuty or anywhere else via a flexible Authorization Workflow API.