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Cloud Threats Memo: Keeping Protected Health Information Safe From Leaky Apps

Several healthcare entities have reported data breaches after being notified of a “privacy incident” by Med-Data, a vendor providing revenue cycle services to hospitals, healthcare systems, and their patients. This privacy incident involves a leaky cloud service and has exposed the personal information of thousands of individuals, since at least December 2020.

Cloud and Threat Report: Let's Get Personal (Instances)

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a dramatic shift to remote work that placed many who previously worked in the office at home working alongside their families. We saw an increase in personal usage of company laptops, including personal web browsing, gaming, media consumption, and online shopping. In this blog post, we will take a look at the personal usage of managed devices from a different angle: data security. In 2020, 83% of users accessed personal app instances from managed devices each month.

What is a managed cloud service?

A managed cloud service handles the complexity of cloud-based IT infrastructure so that in-house teams can continue working towards their business goals. Businesses looking to scale their operations need increasingly sophisticated IT environments. Cloud computing allows teams to do exactly that, yet a decision still needs to be made over who manages the cloud environment; managed cloud service providers fill this gap.

Use AI to fight AI-powered cyber-attacks

Cyber-attacks are commonly viewed as one of the most severe risks to worldwide security. Cyber-attacks are not the same as they were five years back in aspects of availability and efficiency. Improved technology and more efficient offensive techniques provide the opportunity for cybercriminals to initiate attacks on a vast scale with a higher effect. Intruders employ new methods and launch more comprehensive strategies based on AI to compromise systems.

Industrial IoT Needs to Catch Up to Consumer IoT

When it comes to cybersecurity, industrial IT—consisting mainly of operational technology (OT) and industrial control systems (ICS)—has failed to keep up with development in the enterprise IT world. That’s mostly because industries’ adoption of internet technology has been slower when compared with enterprises. It would take some time to close the gap, but concerted efforts have already been made to upgrade the security of industrial IT and improve the efficiency of OT and ICS.

Securing Your PostgreSQL Database

Databases are the Holy Grail for hackers, and as such, must be protected with utmost care. This is the first in a series of articles in which we’ll give an overview of best practices for securing your databases. We’re starting with one of the most popular open-source databases, PostgreSQL, and will go over several levels of security you’d need to think about.

Top 6 Security Trends in Fintech for the Year 2021

With the onset of the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, cybercriminals started looking for opportunities to threaten the already suffering businesses through malware, ransomware, and social engineering attacks. Amidst this public health crisis, a new remote working culture evolved as remotely connected workplaces had to adapt rapidly to a greater digital threat emerging online.