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Cloud and Threat Report: Was 2020 the Year of the Malicious Office Document?

In the summer of 2020, there was a big, short-lived spike in malicious Office documents. The Emotet crew had been quiet in the spring and began leveraging their botnet to send extremely convincing phishing emails to their victims, often with a link to download an invoice or other document from a popular cloud service. Those documents contained malicious code that installed backdoors, ransomware, bankers, and other malware on unsuspecting victims’ computers.

Running commands securely in containers with Amazon ECS Exec and Sysdig

Today, AWS announced the general availability of Amazon ECS Exec, a powerful feature to allow developers to run commands inside their ECS containers. Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service by Amazon Web Services. ECS allows you to organize and operate container resources on the AWS cloud, and allows you to mix Amazon EC2 and AWS Fargate workloads for high scalability.

Quick Guide to the Difference Between a Public and a Private Cloud

Cloud security. Cloud architecture. Cloud storage. As you start scaling your business, you know “the cloud” is an important element of your IT capabilities. But, it can be a little confusing to understand the ins and outs of “the cloud” — especially when it comes to using cloud-based tools for your company to work remotely. Before we get into private vs public clouds, let’s quickly establish what we mean by cloud computing.

Complete Guide on Man in the Middle Attack ( MITM ) For Mobile Applications

Businesses have known for a long time that there always are weak links in security, especially mobile security. The worse part is not that businesses get affected by these security issues, but the fact that public awareness is terribly low on how vulnerable this can be. The man in the middle attack has been one of the most exploited ways hackers have tried and managed to steal information and money.

The Future of Cloud-delivered Security: Lookout Acquires CipherCloud

Today Lookout announced that we’ve acquired CipherCloud, a leading cloud-native security company that operates in the emerging Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) market. The combination will create the industry’s first company capable of providing an integrated endpoint-to-cloud security solution.

Integrate certificate life cycle management with enterprise MDM and boost your mobile ecosystem security

A huge portion of today’s corporate network is made up of mobile endpoints, such as laptops, tablet computers, and mobile phones. These are domain-joined and non-domain devices that require access to corporate assets to carry out everyday operations.

Cloud Threats Memo: How Leaky Are Your Cloud Apps?

Leaky cloud services are a major concern these days. As more and more organizations move their data and applications to the cloud, ensuring new forms of collaboration and agility for their workforce, setup errors and misconfigurations (or even the lack of understanding of the shared responsibility model) pose a serious risk for the new, enlarged corporate perimeter. So far, in 2021, I have collected 12 major breaches fueled by cloud misconfigurations, and I wonder how many flew under the radar.

CSRF Attack Examples and Mitigations

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks allow an attacker to forge and submit requests as a logged-in user to a web application. CSRF exploits the fact that HTML elements send ambient credentials (like cookies) with requests, even cross-origin. Like XSS, to launch a CSRF attack the attacker has to convince the victim to either click on or navigate to a link.