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In Search For a Perfect Access Control System

Every cloud has its own identity and access management system. AWS and Google use a bunch of JSON files specifying various rules. Open source projects like Kubernetes support three concurrent access control models - attribute-based, role-based and a webhook access control, all expressed using YAML. Some teams are going as far as inventing their own programming language to solve this evergreen problem.

Key Differences Between a Public and a Private Cloud

Cloud security. Cloud architecture. Cloud storage. As you start scaling your business, you know “the cloud” is an important element of your IT capabilities. But, it can be a little confusing to understand the ins and outs of “the cloud” — especially when it comes to using cloud-based tools for your company to work remotely. Before we get into private vs public clouds, let’s quickly establish what we mean by cloud computing.

The Role of AI and ML in Preventing Cybercrime

According to a seminal Clark School study, a hacker attacks a computer with internet access every 39 seconds. What’s more, almost a third of all Americans have been harmed by a hacker at one point or another, and more than two-thirds of companies have been victims of web-based attacks. A 2020 IBM study showed that the total cost of data breaches worldwide amounted to $3.9 million, which just may sound the death knell for many businesses affected by breaches.

SIEM for Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is attracting a lot of companies, large and small, with its stability and many built-in services. But aggregated security monitoring has to be done via an external service. However, log aggregation for security purposes is a mandatory requirement of many standards and regulations. Those include GDPR, HIPAA, SOX, PSD2, PCI-DSS, ISO 27001 and many more.

SolarWinds Orion Security Breach: A Shift In The Software Supply Chain Paradigm

The recent SolarWinds breach highlights a new paradigm in the Software Supply Chain. When compared simply to the code itself without any additional tools, Proprietary Code is no more secure than Open Source. By contrast, many would argue that Open Source Code is more secure due to a faster fix/patch/update cycle and the pervasive access to source code (Clarke, Dorwin, and Nash, n.d.).

Cloud-Based Storage Misconfigurations - Understanding the Security Risks and Responses

Misconfigurations remain one of the most common risks in the technology world. Simply telling organisations to “fix” this problem, however, is not as easy as it might first seem because there’s a myriad of technologies at play in modern infrastructure deployments. All of this results in a complicated mix of hardening approaches for each system. What is key, then, is to identify where hardening is required and then consider the methodology for each area.

Mobile Security Trends: What to Expect in the Year 2021

When we make our way into the ecosystem of security technology and infrastructure initiative, learning about application security trends becomes of utmost importance. The unpredictable COVID-19 situation has made global businesses more vulnerable than ever to cyberattacks and breaches. Be it the Zoom data breach (500k records stolen) or the Marriott (5.2 million records breached), hackers don't seem to miss opportunities to exploit vulnerabilities and gain access to business infrastructures and public records.

Incorporating Security into SDLC with DevSecOps

In public-facing cloud environments with faster than ever deployment and delivery speeds, we need security models that can keep up with the pace. However, security still remains one of the most downplayed affairs in many organizations. While DevOps practices have helped organizations find means to build and react to the market faster, the hurdles of relying on traditional security are still making inroads for more and more threat incidents.

How to Securely Manage Your Shift to the Cloud

All organizations want to take advantage of the cost savings, operational efficiency, and improved capabilities that a shift to the cloud provides. But having the right protections in place is key to make sure not only your users are protected, but that your sensitive data is also protected. Especially as workforces become increasingly remote, improved functionality and cloud security are both must-haves for any organization.