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Security Service Edge (SSE) For Dummies

Grab your copy of the first ever book on SSE Security Service Edge (SSE) is described by Gartner as the security stack of services within a SASE architecture. SSE is fast, easy to use, and secures your business wherever your people and data go. In this book, you'll: Download the very first SSE For Dummies book on the market where we cut through the acronyms to give you a functional understanding of how this set of tools will impact your security going forward.

Cloud Threats Memo: Exploiting Legitimate Cloud Services for Command and Control

Welcome to the first edition in 2022 of our Cloud Threats Memo! One of the key findings of our Cloud and Threat Report – January 2022 is the leadership of Google Drive as the most exploited cloud app for the distribution of malware (and for the record, guess which service ranks at number two—spoiler alert: it is a cloud storage service from Microsoft). Unsurprisingly, this is not the only way in which threat actors can exploit these and other cloud services.

Complete Guide to Common Cloud Misconfigurations and How to Avoid Them

Companies are increasingly moving their IT operations to IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service) solutions. Gartner estimates that by 2022, about 60% of business entities will be leveraging cloud-managed offerings, doubling the recorded use in 2018. Cloud offerings like Amazon Web Services (AWS) are generally secure. But since IaaS uses a shared security model, there's a great chance of data security issues, including cybersecurity and workload concerns.

Mobile malware will become (even more of) a business

Going into 2021, we predicted that mobile malware would become (even more of) a business. Christoph Hebeisen, Director of Security Intelligence Research talks about what we predicted correctly and what surprised us. Financially motivated cybercrime is quietly becoming more sophisticated and insidious, and mobile malware is now used by a variety of actors – including organized crime. We’ve seen the gradual commercialization of threats such as adware, toll fraud apps, banking trojans, and spyware.

Monitoring your AWS environment for vulnerabilities and threat detection

Managing the security of your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment requires constant vigilance. Your strategy should include identifying potential threats to your environment and proactively monitoring for vulnerabilities and system weaknesses that malicious actors might exploit. In a complex environment—such as your AWS account with a multitude of services, coupled with various architectures and applications—the ideal solution should be both comprehensive and straightforward.

Announcing Security Service Edge (SSE) for Dummies, the Industry's First SSE Book!

Security Service Edge (SSE) describes the evolving security stack crucial to a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) journey, with core platform requirements that include CASB, SWG, and ZTNA capabilities. SASE is an architecture—really, a long-term journey that will change how we all think about security and networking. But SSE, as part of SASE, is a set of cloud-delivered security services you can acquire and make the most of today.

Enterprise Risk Management for Cloud Computing

Businesses have always had to manage risk – everything from operational, financial, or strategic risks; to other risks that are reputational, regulatory, or cybersecurity-related. So how does enterprise risk management (ERM) work today, when so many businesses are moving so much of their operations into the cloud? How can CISOs and other senior executives take traditional ERM principles and apply them to the cloud-based technology that underpins so much of the modern enterprise?

Appknox Research reveals 91% of Fintech Apps Fail Basic Security Tests

The unexpected and rapid switch from the global workforce to the WFH setup caused by the coronavirus pandemic has prompted companies around the world to make extensive infrastructure adjustments to support employees working exclusively from home. According to the new IDC forecast, the number of mobile workers in the US will steadily increase from 78.5 million in 2020 to 93.5 million in 2024 over the next four years.

MSP: What role does AI play in cybersecurity?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in cybersecurity. This is confirmed by a recent Pulse survey of 191 senior executives from companies on four continents: two out of three organizations (68%) say they are using tools that use AI technologies and among those who are not yet using AI, 67% are considering adopting it.

Malicious modifications to open source projects affecting thousands - Sysdig Secure

In the early days of 2022, two extremely popular JavaScript open source packages, colors.js, and faker.js, were modified to the point of being unusable. The reason for this event can be traced to various motivations, but what is worth mentioning is that several applications that employed those dependencies were involved. The two impacted packages can be used for different purposes in JavaScript applications. colors.js enables color and style customization in the node.js console.