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Malicious modifications to open source projects affecting thousands - Sysdig Secure

In the early days of 2022, two extremely popular JavaScript open source packages, colors.js, and faker.js, were modified to the point of being unusable. The reason for this event can be traced to various motivations, but what is worth mentioning is that several applications that employed those dependencies were involved. The two impacted packages can be used for different purposes in JavaScript applications. colors.js enables color and style customization in the node.js console.

2022 Cybersecurity Predictions

Moving into 2022, looking back at the plentiful year of 2021, regarding security, we at the Cyberint Research Team will try and shed some light on the upcoming year: the key security risks and threats, and what we feel will change in the coming year. We will focus on the actions required to be as vigilant and protected as possible.

Abusing Microsoft Office Using Malicious Web Archive Files

In November of 2021, we described several techniques used by attackers to deliver malware through infected Microsoft Office files. In addition to exploits like CVE-2021-40444, these infected documents frequently abuse VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to execute their techniques, regardless of the final payload. Attackers also often use extra layers of protection to evade signature-based detections, like constructing PowerShell scripts and WMI namespaces at runtime, as done by Emotet.

Introducing next-generation firewall from Palo Alto Networks to support 5G-enabled IoT, OT and IT use cases

Enterprises know they need defenses integrated into each aspect of their network while not being an inhibitor to innovation. Digital transformation realized through new 5G-enabled IoT, Operational Technologies (OT) and IT use cases are no exception. Therefore, security teams need to take a closer look at the best technology to support this innovation.

Building Out SaaS Incident Response Capabilities

Every functioning security team has an incident response plan. Advance strategizing and preparation are absolutely imperative to ensure a quick response to data breaches, ransomware, and numerous other challenges, but most companies first developed that plan years, if not decades, ago and now only revisit it periodically. This is a problem. How many organizations have developed a separate incident response plan to address the unique risks of the software-as-a-service (SaaS) era? Far too few.

What is a Distributed Cloud Architecture? Top 4 Security Considerations

By 2025, there will be more than 100 zettabytes of data stored in the cloud – that’s a lot of data! With more applications needing to process a significant amount of data in real-time, there is a shift in demand for distributed cloud and edge computing. Fortunately, the distributed cloud brings many impressive benefits to organizations – generating immense cost savings, greater scalability, and reaching resource-intensive business demands.

Can We Lighten the Cybersecurity Load for Heavy Industries?

One of the biggest problems with the IT / OT convergence in critical infrastructure is that much of the legacy hardware cannot simply be patched to an acceptable compliance level. Recently, Sean Tufts, the practice director for Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Internet of Things (IoT) security at Optiv, offered his perspectives on where the industry has been, where it is going, and some of the progress being made to secure critical infrastructure.

Tooling Overview for API Testing (SAST, DAST, IAST, Fuzzing)

Application Programming Interface (APIs), allow services to communicate with each other. Naturally, applications that are interconnected through many APIs, require thorough security testing, as each connection could potentially include software vulnerabilities. Since there are different methods to test these junctions, I want to briefly discuss the benefits and weaknesses of the most commonly used API testing methods in this article.

Why You Need an Adversary-focused Approach to Stop Cloud Breaches

It should come as little surprise that when enterprise and IT leaders turned their attention to the cloud, so did attackers. Unfortunately, the security capabilities of enterprises have not always kept up with the threat landscape. Poor visibility, management challenges and misconfigurations combine with other security and compliance issues to make protecting cloud environments a complex endeavor.