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Data Resilience for Microsoft Azure SQL Against Ransomware and Credential Compromise

In the event of a cyber attack, how confident are you that your Azure SQL data is safe and recoverable? As a commitment to cyber-proofing the cloud, we’re pleased to introduce new security enhancements to our previously-announced Azure SQL protection. Now, businesses and government agencies can further minimize the risk of data loss in Azure SQL databases and Managed Instances.

Stay Vigilant: How Cloud Interconnectivity Is Amplifying the Effects of Phishing

It seems like every week another household brand announces that they’ve been the victim of a data breach. Recently, cloud communications company Twilio announced that its internal systems were breached after attackers obtained employee credentials using an SMS phishing attack. Around the same time, Cloudflare, a content delivery network and DDoS mitigation company, reported that its employees were also targeted but their systems were not compromised.

How to Comply with HECVAT in 2022

The Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit (HECVAT) helps higher education mitigate the impact of security risks of vendor relationships offering cloud-based services. With supply chain attacks on the rise, and vendor risks ranking in the top three initial attack vectors for data breaches, HECVAT compliance is becoming a mandatory requirement for partnering with higher education institutions.

Blackhat 2022 recap - Trends and highlights

Blackhat 2022, on its 25th anniversary, took place this week in Las Vegas. The most important event for the infosec community and the best place for security vendors to showcase all their innovations and products in this ever-growing ecosystem. This year, attendees come from 111 different countries. In 2020, Black Hat added the word Cloud to the existing track about Platform Security.

5 Misconceptions about Mobile Application Security Testing

All app development companies are aware of the importance of mobile application security testing. Despite this, the app stores are full of potentially vulnerable apps. One of the reasons for this is the myths surrounding the mobile application security testing concept - how it might be complicated or expensive to get security. However, this blog will dispel these myths and present a true picture of mobile application security testing.

How to reduce your exposure & secure your data in the cloud in 5 quick ways

More companies are switching from on-premises systems to public cloud services, ensuring long-term growth and digital resilience. But as their implementations grow, they begin to realize that their exposure to cyberattacks and other risks grows as well. Cybersecurity is an essential practice for successful businesses. Adapting to business growth is a good problem to have, but without an eye on cloud security, that growth could cost you in the long run.

AI-Based Planning? You Might Want To Double-Check That Data.

AI is awesome! It can do so much for us, much faster and broader than we can do ourselves. All of AI’s benefits are great, assuming the data is trustworthy. Sure, algorithms can detect and remove outliers, but what if your corrupt data does not reside in the outliers? You can only trust the data when you establish trust at the source of the data. How often have we been conversing with a friend who is relaying information from their friend?

Why Ignorance Isn't Bliss in IoT

Why You Need a Credential Manager For Your Devices Before joining Device Authority, I gave my home IoT security exposure very little thought, and I continued to add to it. Now, I have a plethora of devices in my home including, Smart appliances, Wi-Fi lights and sockets, wireless security video, and Wi-Fi-enabled active home power monitoring, to name a few.