Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Proven Ways to Slash Mobile App Security Costs

Mobile app security testing is expensive, and that’s a fact. For instance, a single quality penetration test costs around $20,000-$30,000. But do you essentially have to pay this high for the service? Mobile app development companies are cutting costs because of the economic meltdown or investors pulling out. And this could make it hard to set aside tens of thousands of dollars just for penetration testing, right? Moreover, without the right budget, how would you manage app security? Solution?

MasterCard allows Digital ID Verification of patients on Mobile Phones.

Seamless and smooth is the new mantra that every company is trying to achieve in their operation and client’s dealings. Healthcare services are adapting fast to this mantra, and the master card is the new revolution keeping the industry in sync with high user experience through the implementation of ID verification. It’s the digital age; almost everything in this world now operates with the help of AI and its different realms.

Rubrik and GraphQL - Episode 2 - GraphQL Queries

At the core of GraphQL lies the query. Queries allow us to fetch exactly the data we need from the Rubrik platform. This episode will dive into how we form basic queries to retrieve Rubrik objects for usage with automation. We’ll talk about how to form a query, create fragments, and pass data into our queries using variables.

3 examples of organizations that could have benefited from a CASB

In recent times, the widespread use of cloud services has become common for most organizations. While many organizations now enjoy the savings and convenience afforded by hosting their data and services on cloud platforms, this shift towards the cloud brings with an increased vulnerability to data theft and cyberattacks.

Cross Account Replication of AWS RDS with Rubrik Security Cloud

The Relational Database Service (RDS) service offered by AWS is one of the most popular databases today. A lot of critical, confidential data resides inside of RDS. Hence it becomes imperative to protect this data from various threats and ensure that the data is secure. Our approach to protecting the data inside RDS is based on two aspects: Rubrik already supports a modern approach to safeguarding RDS data from an operational perspective and also maintains a clean, secure copy in a different region.

Improve Your Cloud Data Protection Through Protegrity's S3 AWS Marketplace Integrations

Protecting your data as it moves through data pools and warehouses is critical. Protegrity’s partnership and integrations with AWS allows corporations to improve continuous data flows with Protegrity Cloud Protect for S3.