Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Salt Wins UK Trophy for Best Cybersecurity Solution!

We have smashing news to share! Salt Security has been named Cybersecurity Solution of the Year in the Prestigious National Technology Awards – our first award in the UK and a brilliant recognition! Organized by National Technology News, the National Technology Awards celebrate the pioneers of technology and encourage excellence, providing the most comprehensive celebration of technology of the year.

Colliding with the Future: The Disruptive Force of Generative AI in B2B Software

Over the past few months, our collective fascination with AI has reached unprecedented heights, leading to an influx of information and discussions on its potential implications. It seems that wherever we turn, AI dominates the conversation. AI has captivated the imaginations of tech enthusiasts, researchers, and everyday individuals alike. At the tender age of 11, I received my very first computer, the legendary ZX Spectrum. Looking back, it's hard to believe how much has changed since then.

Verizon Sends New Smishing Warning

Verizon has renewed its warnings to customers about the threat of smishing, a social engineering approach that relies upon texts as opposed to other communication channels like the email used in phishing. The smishing problem may be smaller than the phishing problem, or the robocall nuisance, but it represents a comparable threat that organizations should address in their risk management process.

An Explainer for how AI and Low-Code/No-Code are Friends, not Foes

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations not only seek out, but need to harness the power of emerging technologies to stay ahead of the competition. Two of the most promising trends in the tech world are generative AI and low-code/no-code development. Generative AI, in particular, has generated the majority of the headlines, with seemingly infinite use cases to spur productivity for end users and business.

Key Insights Into Gartner Report: How to Select DevSecOps Tools for Secure Software Delivery

With the advent of complex technology ecosystems like agile development processes, cloud-native platforms, and the rising use of open-source software, the importance of continuous Security and compliance has increased more than ever. As a result, leaders in the software industry must advise their teams to incorporate developer-friendly security tools into their DevSecOps pipelines.

Cloudflare WAF and Security Analytics Demo (3 min)

Cloudflare WAF with WAF Attack Score and Security Analytics enhance Cloudflare security capabilities. Security Analytics brings together all Cloudflare security detection capabilities in one place to show a detailed understanding of a site's traffic and threats. WAF Attack Score via machine learning scores every request with a probability of it being malicious. Cloudflare WAF rules can be configured using WAF attack score and/or bot score allowing for granular security policies.