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Breaking the Barrier of Dynamic Testing: Detect and Autoconfigure Entry Points With CI Spark

Finding deeply hidden and unexpected vulnerabilities early in the development process is key. However, time to invest in proactive tests is limited. Prioritizing speed over security is common. Our new AI-assistant CI Spark closes this gap and enables both speed and security. CI Spark makes use of LLMs to automatically identify attack surfaces and to suggest test code. Tests generated by CI Spark work like a unit test that automatically generates thousands of test cases.

What is an API attack and how does it work

If you want to visualize how data flows across your connected applications, you can think back to that childhood game of Chutes and Ladders (also called Snakes and Ladders). As a kid, the board felt like a confusing grid that had the weirdest, seemingly arbitrary connections between blocks. In your modern digital environment, your Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) fulfill the same role that the ladders and chutes/snakes fulfilled, connecting disparate blocks across a larger whole.

Building a cloud-based financial app with regulatory compliance

Financial institutions recognize the advantages of migrating apps to the cloud or adopting a multicloud approach. While modern technologies offer tremendous opportunities, they also present challenges related to safeguarding customer data, cybersecurity, and complying with the law in the strictly regulated finance sector. How can you create a cloud-based FinTech app and ensure its compliance with industry regulations?

2023 OWASP Top-10 Series: API7:2023 Server Side Request Forgery

Welcome to the 8th post in our weekly series on the new 2023 OWASP API Security Top-10 list, with a particular focus on security practitioners. This post will focus on API7:2023 Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF). In this series we are taking an in-depth look at each category – the details, the impact and what you can do about it.

How to Support Business Agility With Hybrid Cloud Services

Hybrid cloud takes the capabilities of the public and various private cloud options and merges them, allowing businesses to host different workloads within different environments depending on their performance, security, and resource needs. Companies leveraging a hybrid cloud strategy promote business competitiveness and agility, allowing them to respond to changes in resource demands quickly.

The new master mind of cybercrimes: Artificial intelligence

Imagine an AI overlord sitting in a dark basement, plotting world domination through cybercrime. While the idea might seem like a sci-fi flick, it’s actually closer to reality than we think. AI has emerged as a game changer in a constantly evolving cyber landscape. AI algorithms can learn and adapt to security measures quickly, making them the ultimate cyber villains.

Elevate load balancing with Private IPs and Cloudflare Tunnels: a secure path to efficient traffic distribution

In the dynamic world of modern applications, efficient load balancing plays a pivotal role in delivering exceptional user experiences. Customers commonly leverage load balancing, so they can efficiently use their existing infrastructure resources in the best way possible. Though, load balancing is not a ‘one-size-fits-all, out of the box’ solution for everyone.