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To OSINT and Beyond!

Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) can be valuable for an organization and penetration testing engagements in several ways. Today, let me highlight two areas: Leaked Credentials and Files. As part of any security engagement, it is ideal, if not essential, that we look up our target’s leaked credentials and files, as many clients do not have a high level of visibility or awareness in this area.

Exploring The Top 5 Advantages Of Reading eBooks Online Via Z library

In this digital age, the way we read books has transformed significantly. eBooks have gained immense popularity as the world shifts from traditional paperbacks to virtual libraries. Among the leading platforms in this aspect is Z library, offering a vast collection of eBooks that can be accessed with just a few clicks. What advantages do eBooks offer over their physical counterparts? This article will explore the top 5 advantages of reading eBooks online using Z library. With eBooks, readers can easily highlight, bookmark, and look up unfamiliar words, making it a more interactive and personalized experience.

Improve visibility and identify risk across your Google Cloud environments with AlgoSec CloudFlow

With expertise in data management, search algorithms, and AI, Google has created a cloud platform that excels in both performance and efficiency. The advanced machine learning, global infrastructure, and comprehensive suite of services available in Google Cloud demonstrates Google’s commitment to innovation. Many companies are leveraging these capabilities to explore new possibilities and achieve remarkable outcomes in the cloud.

Phishing Scammers are Using Artificial Intelligence To Create Perfect Emails

Phishing attacks have always been detected through broken English, but now generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools are eliminating all those red flags. OpenAI ChatGPT, for instance, can fix spelling mistakes, odd grammar, and other errors that are common in phishing emails. This advancement in AI technology has made it easier for even amateur hackers to analyze vast amounts of publicly available data about their targets and create highly personalized and convincing emails within seconds.

How To Discover PII and Privacy Vulnerabilities in Structured Data Sources

In this video, we walk through the process of discovering personally identifiable information (PII) and identifying potential privacy vulnerabilities within structured data sources. First, you will connect Protecto to your data repository. Then, we will show you how to access the Privacy Risk Data within your data assets catalog, obtain information on active users, access privileges, data owners, and recommendations for dealing with privacy risks.

Life in the Clouds: Navigating Security Challenges in Cloud Environments

As the realm of technology continues to evolve, the significance of cloud computing has grown exponentially. This paradigm shift offers unparalleled scalability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness benefits. However, with these advantages come a host of security challenges that need careful consideration. This article delves into the vital realm of cloud security, exploring the multifaceted landscape of safeguarding data, identities, networks, and services.

New Vulnerabilities in Apple Products Exploited in the Wild

On September 7, 2023, Apple released emergency security updates to fix a buffer overflow vulnerability (CVE-2023-41064) and a validation issue vulnerability (CVE-2023-41061) among macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and watchOS products. These vulnerabilities can be exploited with a maliciously crafted attachment or image which leads to arbitrary code execution.

Breaking the Barrier of Dynamic Testing: Detect and Autoconfigure Entry Points With CI Spark

Finding deeply hidden and unexpected vulnerabilities early in the development process is key. However, time to invest in proactive tests is limited. Prioritizing speed over security is common. Our new AI-assistant CI Spark closes this gap and enables both speed and security. CI Spark makes use of LLMs to automatically identify attack surfaces and to suggest test code. Tests generated by CI Spark work like a unit test that automatically generates thousands of test cases.

What is an API attack and how does it work

If you want to visualize how data flows across your connected applications, you can think back to that childhood game of Chutes and Ladders (also called Snakes and Ladders). As a kid, the board felt like a confusing grid that had the weirdest, seemingly arbitrary connections between blocks. In your modern digital environment, your Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) fulfill the same role that the ladders and chutes/snakes fulfilled, connecting disparate blocks across a larger whole.