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Elevating Enterprise API Security with Wallarm for MuleSoft Anypoint Platform

In an age characterized by digital transformation, APIs serve as the backbone of modern applications, enabling diverse systems to communicate and share data seamlessly. This widespread API adoption, however, exposes organizations to a considerable attack surface, inviting the attention of cyber adversaries searching for vulnerabilities to exploit.

Get your head in the clouds

Today’s forecast is cloudy, with a chance of headaches, heartburn, and a hell of a lot of unforeseen security challenges. Digital transformation may not be a new term, but it is, nonetheless, still very much a part of the roadmap for many companies. No matter if a company is cloud-native or newly embracing the cloud, the issues of securing your cloud infrastructure can be daunting, from managing misconfigurations to monitoring hundreds of microservices. Managing your cloud attack surface can leave you feeling like Sisyphus. But if you’re feeling a little bolder (see what we did there?), you can take a deeper dive into how you can get your head in the cloud and in the cloud cybersecurity game.

Re-evaluating risk in the artificial intelligence age

It is common knowledge that when it comes to cybersecurity, there is no one-size-fits all definition of risk, nor is there a place for static plans. New technologies are created, new vulnerabilities discovered, and more attackers appear on the horizon. Most recently the appearance of advanced language models such as ChatGPT have taken this concept and turned the dial up to eleven.

Achieve Complete Hybrid Cloud Cyber Resilience with Rubrik Cloud Vault

Rubrik and Microsoft have joined forces to help you build a cyber-resilient business. Reduce the risk of a backup data breach, loss, or theft by storing immutable copies of your data in a Rubrik-hosted cloud environment, isolated from your core workloads. Keywords: cybersecurity, data security, ransomware, malware, cyber resilience, zero trust, azure, Microsoft, Rubrik, disaster recovery, data protection, hybrid cloud.

How to Ensure the Security of Mobile Gadgets

The security of our mobile gadgets is more important than ever due to the volume of mobile devices we carry, wear, and work with daily. Our mobile devices are a gold mine of apps that we rely on to protect our data and help us in our personal and work lives. Nevertheless, it is because of the vast amount of data and information we hold on these devices that makes them a target for cybercriminals.

What Is Security Posture?

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, an organization's security posture stands as a sentinel, guarding against cyber threats and vulnerabilities. But what exactly is a security posture, and why is it crucial for businesses today? This article delves deep into the heart of this matter, unraveling the concept and exploring the essential components that constitute a robust security posture.

Put Cloud in the Fast Lane: Why SD-WAN

If routing traffic on your network, managing cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, or general cloud connectivity is becoming more difficult for your IT team to manage, you may be ready for a software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN). SD-WAN is powerful networking tool that can help you centrally manage your traffic flow, independent of the underlying hardware on your network.