Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Introducing the Project Argus Datacenter-ready Secure Control Module design specification

Historically, data center servers have used motherboards that included all key components on a single circuit board. The DC-SCM (Datacenter-ready Secure Control Module) decouples server management and security functions from a traditional server motherboard, enabling development of server management and security solutions independent of server architecture.

Malicious "RedAlert - Rocket Alerts" Application Targets Israeli Phone Calls, SMS, and User Information

More than 5,000 rockets have been launched into Israel since the attacks from Hamas began on October 7th 2023. RedAlert - Rocket Alerts developed by Elad Nava allows individuals to receive timely and precise alerts about incoming airstrikes. Many people living in Israel rely on these alerts to seek safety - a service which has become increasingly important given the newest escalations in the region..

2023 OWASP Top-10 Series: Wrap Up

Over the past several months, we've taken a journey through the new 2023 OWASP API Security Top-10 list. In the previous 12 weekly posts, we've delved into each category, discussed what it is, how it's exploited, why it matters, and suggested effective protections for each. Now, as we conclude this series, it's time to summarize and offer some practical guidance for security practitioners looking to bolster API security in their organizations.

Fortifying IoT Devices: Unraveling the Art of Securing Embedded Systems

Interconnected, data-enabled devices are more common now than ever before. By 2027, it is predicted that there will be more than 41 billion new IoT devices. The emergence of each new device offers a fresh vulnerability point for opportunistic bad actors. In 2022, there were over 112 million cyberattacks carried out on IoT devices worldwide. Without sufficient protection, attackers can exploit these weak points to gain access to sensitive data or restrict access to internet networks.

Automotive Industry stalling ahead of 2024's new vehicle safety regulations

With the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe World Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations (UNECE WP.29) framework coming into effect in July 2024, leaders across the Automotive sector are apparently ‘swamped’ by the volume of compliance and security risks that need to be addressed to protect drivers in all types of connected or autonomous vehicles.

AWS Security Assessment - A Comprehensive Guide

AWS or Amazon Web Services is no new name in the tech industry. Given the extensive range of services it offers involving computing, storage, database, networking, and much more, it is extensively utilized by businesses worldwide. One majorly important domain where AWS has set a precedent is security. However, realizing the full potential of its efficient security model requires proper AWS security assessment.

Top 5 Best Cybersecurity Training Mobile Apps

Gain access to the best cybersecurity training from anywhere, anytime, with these top 5 cybersecurity apps for iOS and Android 📱 Cybersecurity attacks are very common; learn which top 5 cybersecurity tools and apps can help you to prevent them 🛡️ Learn more at