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EP 38 - Why Cloud Security Doesn't Taste Like Chicken

Today’s guest is Charles Chu, CyberArk’s General Manager of Cloud Security, who’s spent more than a decade at the forefront of cloud security. Chu joins host David Puner for a conversation that delves into secure cloud access and the concept of zero standing privileges (ZSP), a dynamic approach to securing identities in multi-cloud environments.

Unlocking the Full Financial and Technical Value of SASE

The world we inherited from legacy network and security vendors has led to architectures suffering from excessive complexity and costs while making life difficult for administrators and end users alike. Platform convergence aligns the most important networking and security controls, enabling organizations to consolidate vendors and achieve significant cost savings.

The easiest ways to create, test and deploy security policies for EKS clusters

Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a popular managed Kubernetes option that allows customers to benefit from both an offloaded Kubernetes management plane, and the wide range of services that AWS offers. Managed or unmanaged, securing cluster traffic is always critical and, although AWS Security Groups can secure the cluster nodes, securing pod traffic requires something closer to the application data-path.

GitHub Copilot code security: XSS in React

In an evolving era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs), innovative tools like GitHub's Copilot are transforming the landscape of software development. In a prior article, I published about the implications of this transformation and how it extends to both the convenience offered by these intelligently automated tools and the new set of challenges it brings to maintaining robust security in our coding practices.

The Crucial Link

In today’s digital age, businesses rely heavily on technology to drive their operations efficiently and effectively. This dependence on technology has brought about new challenges and risks, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. As organisations strive to ensure operational resilience, they must recognize the integral role of cyber resilience in safeguarding their digital assets and operations. Cyber threats have become a persistent concern for businesses of all sizes.

Navigating the Supply Chain Security Maze with SBOMs

Security Magazine reported more than 2,200 daily cyberattacks, which translates to roughly one cyberattack occurring every 39 seconds! As these stakes in cybersecurity continue to reach higher and higher levels, it becomes even more crucial to emphasize securing the very bedrock of elements upon which our digital existence is built.

The Best IoT Solutions to Revolutionise Your Business in 2023

Ready to revolutionise your business with the power of IoT? As the digital world advances, IoT solutions bring countless possibilities to transform industries, streamline processes, and enhance customer experiences. Let’s dive into the world of IoT and explore how it can revolutionise your business, in 2023 and beyond!

Privilege Escalation and Identity in the Age of AI: Leveraging PAM for Enhanced Security

The intersection of privilege escalation and identity is taking on new dimensions with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As AI becomes increasingly integrated into our lives, it both challenges and reinforces existing notions of privilege and identity. In this blog, we'll explore what privilege escalation means in the context of AI and how it influences our understanding of personal and societal identities.

Things You Must Know About Cyber Security in the Cloud

In our rapidly evolving and interconnected digital environment, cloud computing has transformed the manner in which organizations store, manage, and retrieve their data and software applications. The cloud offers unparalleled advantages, such as scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Nevertheless, these advantages also bring an increased emphasis on the significance of cybersecurity within the cloud.