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SBOM Attestation by 3PAOs: Everything You Need to Know

In the past, we’ve written a lot about FedRAMP certification and the way the Ignyte platform can help you with record-keeping and the overall process. We’ve largely glossed over the role that the third-party assessment organization plays, hand-waving it as a relationship you build between your chosen 3PAO and your own organization. As a certified 3PAO, however, we do have a unique insight into this process.

When and How to Create a Software Bills of Materials (SBOM)

A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) inventories all of the open source components and other third-party libraries within a codebase. Much like IKEA instructions explain which parts are included in the package for your new furniture, an SBOM describes all of the third party components in your codebase. Most SBOMs contain the following information about the make-up of an application: Security vulnerabilities: a key use case for SBOM is understanding the security risks of third party components.

Building a software Bill of Materials with Black Duck

A necessary step in securing an application is evaluating the supply chain of each component used to create the application—no matter how many hands were involved in its development. If any links in the supply chain are obscured, it can be difficult to confidently assess the amount of risk that an application is susceptible to.

Securing your SBOM on Google Cloud

Over the past few years, software supply chain security has been top of mind for governments and businesses alike. Following Log4Shell in late 2021, the Biden administration’s National Cybersecurity Strategy started focusing on open source supply chain security. The National Security Agency (NSA) recently released new guidance on securing open source software supply chains.

What is a Software Bill of Material? SBOM and Supply Chain Security

SBOM and supply chain security help organizations stay on top of their information security and comply with regulations. In this regard, the SBOM (software bill of materials) can be an instrumentation. Meanwhile, the continually changing digital environment with cyber threats lurking in every corner, as well as the possibility of vulnerabilities, can lead to disasters; knowing the importance of software bill of materials (SBOM) is significant.

Quick Kubernetes SBOM Integration: Secure Your Cluster with SBOM Observer in a few seconds

Discover the fastest way to enhance your Kubernetes security and compliance! With SBOM Observer's new Kubernetes integration, you can generate and upload SBOMs for your entire cluster in just a few seconds using our CLI. This approach offers a holistic SBOM-centric overview, enabling vulnerability detection and management across environments. Level up your cybersecurity strategy today and ensure your environments remain compliant.