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Triaging Non-CVE Vulnerabilities with Nucleus

Join Scott Kuffer, Co-Founder of Nucleus Security, in this webinar, focused on effective vulnerability management. Dive deep into the complexities of managing non-CVE based vulnerabilities. Learn about centralized vs. distributed remediation strategies and gain practical tips on triaging, prioritizing, and responding to vulnerabilities. This webinar emphasizes the importance of a unified approach to vulnerability management, leveraging threat modeling, and re-evaluating risk assessment methodologies to protect your business.

Common Types of Network Devices and Their Functions

Modern IT infrastructure is comprised of various interconnected network components that make communication and resource sharing possible throughout your organization. Whether securing sensitive data, facilitating collaboration, or simply ensuring uninterrupted access, a network of devices is at play—and the elements of these devices are critical to a business’s successful operation.

"What's our number?": Responding To Your Exposure to CrowdStrike Outage Event

Is cyber risk insurable? That question is often at the heart of the debate about the future of the cyber insurance industry. One of the primary drivers of that question is the insurance industry’s challenges when managing systemic cyber risk since many believe that systemic cyber risk has the potential to bankrupt the industry. While there hasn’t been a catastrophic cyber incident that has proven the skeptics right, there have been several close calls.

The 11 Best Ways to Prevent an Internet Leak in 2024

Data breaches have increased this year, costing businesses $4.88 million—a 10% increase from 2023 and the highest increase since the pandemic. The cost is due to several factors, but an internet leak is one of the common factors that cost businesses money, causes loss of reputation, and threatens the online privacy of the general public. So, what can you do to help yourself, friends, family, employees, or businesses to limit the costs of a data breach or internet leak?

AI Governance Belongs In Your Organization

In the modern workplace, GenAI models have become powerful assets due to their ability to introduce efficiency, up level product innovation, and expedite how teams close the gap on competitors. However, these powerful tools also introduce significant risks related to data security and governance. Companies that aren’t actively figuring out how to govern the GenAI they’ve adopted will inevitably be left vulnerable.