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Common Ransomware Attack Types

When it comes to cybersecurity, ransomware is probably one of the first threats you think of. It seems like it’s everywhere — and it is. Ransomware is one of the most notorious cyber threats affecting individuals, businesses, and organizations globally. The frequency and impact of these attacks have surged in recent years, making it crucial to understand their nature and how to protect against them.

How To Prevent Account Takeover Attacks

An account takeover attack is a type of identity theft that occurs when a cybercriminal gains access to your online account and changes your login credentials to lock you out. Once you cannot log back in, a cybercriminal will use your identity to steal private information or even scam others. You can prevent account takeover attacks by using strong passwords, enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and investing in dark web monitoring.

Insider Risk Management: Addressing the Human Side of Risk

Recognizing the indicators of insider risk before they turn into threats requires a paradigm shift in the way we operate. It necessitates moving from a reactive mode of operation to proactive. And it requires data that is continuously captured and analyzed to enable security teams to easily see patterns and anomalies and gauge the level of risk of specific behaviors.

5 Popular Streaming Platforms That Allow VPN Access

Streaming platforms have completely replaced TVs and become the cornerstone of entertainment as they offer a huge selection of films, TV series, and live material at our disposal. However, there's a small problem. The content available on these platforms often varies based on geographical locations due to licensing agreements. This limitation makes people use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to access restricted content from different regions.

Cloud Server vs. Physical Server: Which One is Better?

In the ever-evolving landscape of business technology, companies are faced with a crucial decision - should they opt for the cloud or maintain their own physical servers? Both options hold distinct advantages, making the choice a complex one that requires careful consideration.

Why You Should Stick With Answering Service Instead of AI Answering

Communication is essential in today's fast-paced corporate environment. To keep customers satisfied and loyal, businesses of all sizes need to respond to their queries in a quick and correct manner. Businesses are becoming more and more inclined to replace human operators with automated systems as AI-powered response services become more popular. As found in a Fortune Business Insights study, the global call center AI market size was around $1.60 billion in 2023. It is further estimated to grow from $1.95 billion in 2024 to $10.07 billion by 2032.