An Examination of the Benefits and Limitations of Online Educational Platforms for Teachers

An Examination of the Benefits and Limitations of Online Educational Platforms for Teachers

The world quarantine and the forced isolation of society became significant factors and a turning point in the rapid transformation of education. All radical changes took place in a revolutionary way unusual for the educational environment in 2019. In the last few years, the field of online education in the world has been growing by 20-25% every year. The world market drivers are the USA with 43% and China with 21%. As a result, teachers have to be skilled in working on various online platforms. Let’s figure out what benefits and limitations they face daily.

Benefits of online teaching vs. traditional classes

A virtual university and school, artificial reality, the effect of presence in any corner of the world, and groups of students from different countries were just fashionable trends until recently. But today, it has become a forced necessity. It has brought plenty of bonuses both for a teacher and a student.

It offers flexibility

We all know that the flexibility of online education is one of its main advantages. The lesson can begin wherever the teachers and students are. When it comes to the traditional college, teachers, and students are limited. They share and gather knowledge only in classrooms. Online education platforms actually give both professors and students independence. So they can instruct and learn in their preferred environment. Besides, teachers and students can avoid daily rush hours and crowded public transportation.

It definitely saves their time and effort. Thus, teachers can focus on their self-improvement and self-education. Students can spend more hours doing home assignments and writing research papers. It is worth mentioning that even in conditions of online education students find it hard to deal with homework. In this case, some of them get help from a professional research paper writing service and feel less stress as a result. It is a common situation when students use online writing services. They address experienced writers and get instant assistance. It boosts their writing skills and self-confidence. So, teachers are more satisfied with their academic results and achievements.

Boost teachers’ tech skills

Both professors and students enjoy online learning and teaching. Some teachers were not used to using smart devices in the past. Yet, they can now use technology to produce engaging learning materials. Online lessons have improved greatly as a result of this. Additionally, it improves students’ learning opportunities concurrently.

Cons of online education for teachers

The benefits of this kind of learning are astounding. Nobody can refute these facts. But everything has a flip side, even online learning. Teachers usually overlook different drawbacks of online education.

Cut social and emotional contacts.

Many schools are shuttered during the coronavirus outbreak. Online learning is a fantastic alternative. But it does not totally deliver social-emotional development with actual interactions. Numerous teachers acknowledge that teaching online saps their energy. And they obstruct engaging students. Isolation may result through infrequent interactions and prolonged communication.

Lack of conditions

Make sure you meet two prerequisites before utilizing online teaching and learning. Firstly, the technical prerequisites are crucial. Secondly, a consistent internet connection can be a challenge. Teachers are unable to have online classes without the net. Yet, unfortunately, not everyone meets the requirements because of some power cuts or other reasons. For students struggling with complex subjects, tools like a chem problem solver can be invaluable, especially when reliable internet access is available.

An uptick in a few physical health problems

Finally, online learning and teaching create a few physical health concerns. Imagine if you spend your entire day and every day staring at computer screens. Technology devices are used both during class time and thereafter. As a result, teachers can get back pain, obesity, and tight neck and shoulders. Also, there are no exclusions for headaches, hearing loss, or even myopia.


Education, scientific progress, availability of information, and globalization are closely related. They directly influence each other. And the story of the world quarantine is perhaps the most interesting proof of this. The benefits and drawbacks of online learning for teachers are not all covered in that. Despite various drawbacks, this method of learning is essential for preserving education. A significant factor in the success of a school in distance learning is the average age and technical knowledge of the teacher. Their habit of studying, adapting to international experience, and innovative thinking are crucial too. Because no matter how great personal skills and talents a teacher possesses. If he cannot technically organize and diversify the lesson, and adjust the curriculum for learning online, distance learning will not be successful.