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Shining a Light on Shadow AI: What It Is and How to Find It

After speaking to a wide spectrum of customers ranging from SMBs to enterprises, three things have become clear: Add that together, and we get Shadow AI. This refers to AI usage that is not known or visible to an organization’s IT and security teams. Shadow AI comes in many forms, but in this blog we’ll stick to a discussion of Shadow AI as it pertains to applications. Application security teams are well aware that AI models come with additional risk.

Tips to optimize and secure Azure Functions

Organizations whose IT infrastructure relies heavily on Microsoft will often adopt Azure Functions as part of their cloud modernization strategy. Azure Functions is an on-demand serverless solution that enables you to build and deploy event-driven code without worrying about provisioning and managing infrastructure. Azure Functions offers simplified development and deployment, automatic scaling, and seamless integration with other Azure services all within a cost-efficient pay-for-what-you-use model.

Latrodectus Rapid Evolution Continues With Latest New Payload Features

Latrodectus is a downloader first discovered by Walmart back in October of 2023. The malware became very famous due to its similarities with the famous IcedID malware, not only in the code itself but also the infrastructure, as previously reported by Proofpoint and Team Cymru S2. The malware is usually delivered via email spam campaigns conducted by two specific threat actors: TA577 and TA578.

Change Management and File Integrity Monitoring - Demystifying the Modifications in Your Environment

When outsourcing the IT department was first introduced, many business owners hailed it as the solution to all their technology problems. The promise of reduced headcount, less overhead and sunk costs, as well as reduced management responsibilities, seemed like a gift that would boost profits. When cloud computing entered the business world, the same promises were realized. However, shifting responsibility to an outside administrator brought new risks to the organizations.

How to Backup and Restore Microsoft 365 Group Mailbox | BDRSuite Demo

In this BDRSuite Demo, I'll show you how to configure backup for Microsoft 365 Group Mailbox and how to restore the data. BDRSuite offers comprehensive backup solution for Microsoft 365 Group Mailbox and its Group's OneDrive items. With features like flexible storage and multiple data recovery options, BDRSuite ensures that your Microsoft 365 is secure and easily recoverable.

The New & Improved Splunk Guide to Risk-Based Alerting

Howdy folks, it’s your friendly neighborhood transformational detection engineering evangelist Haylee Mills here. Maybe you’ve already been introduced to risk-based alerting, or maybe you’ve seen one of my many talks on the subject: Even if you haven’t, I’m super excited to share a brand new version of my step-by-step guide to success with the risk-based alerting framework!

TrustCloud Product Updates: August 2024

Our teams are always hard at work improving the TrustCloud platform. Here are this month’s biggest updates. Introducing our ServiceNow integration! This is a bidirectional integration with ServiceNow to pull ticket details into TrustCloud. Teams can create new ServiceNow tasks in TrustCloud and attach ServiceNow links as evidence to your tests. The integration also supports automatic task creation from TrustCloud. Just go to Admin -> Connected Apps, where you can automate task creation.

Why identities are the new perimeter in the cloud

In the ever-expanding world of cloud computing, one thing has become glaringly clear: identities are no longer just user profiles—they are the keys to the kingdom. As businesses race to harness the power of the cloud, they must also confront a growing menace: the risk posed by poorly managed identities. Imagine leaving your front door unlocked in a neighborhood known for break-ins — that’s what weak identity management is like in the cloud.