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How to Prevent Malware Attacks from Impacting Your Business

A robust malware prevention and detection strategy is critical to cyber security and cyber resilience today. After all, a single malware infection can inflict serious financial damage — from business disruptions and remediation costs to lasting reputational damage and customer churn. To help, this blog explains the types of malware organizations need to defend against and the common vectors for deployment.

On-Prem and Kubernetes: A delicate relationship

In cloud security, context is everything. In the previous two installments of our Customers Care Chronicles, we wrote about how a security vendor needs to be a true business partner and the potential headaches when migrating tools in the cloud. In this installment, we tackle another non-security concept that happens to be crucial for security: environment.

Can We Truly Test Gen AI Apps? Growing Need for AI Guardrails

Unlike traditional software, where testing is relatively straightforward, Gen AI apps introduce complexities that make testing far more intricate. This blog explores why traditional software testing methodologies fall short for Gen AI applications and highlights the unique challenges posed by these advanced technologies.

U.S. Experiences 52% Increase in the Number of Ransomware Attacks in One Year

New analysis of current ransomware attacks shows a massive focus on U.S. organizations, with growth spread across nearly every industry. One would think there would be a slowdown in the number of ransomware attacks due to the amount of threat intelligence and best practices to mitigate this threat.

Evolution of Attack Surface Management

While it was not called ASM, the concept of managing attack surface management began with basic asset management practices in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Organizations focused on keeping an inventory of their digital assets, such as servers, desktops, and network devices. The primary objective was to maintain an accurate record of these assets to ensure proper configuration and patch management.

Why Your Laptop Slows Down

In today's world, a laptop is not just a luxury but an indispensable tool for both work and leisure. With technological advancements, laptops enable us to watch movies, connect with friends, listen to music, and indulge in online activities. However, when a laptop starts to slow down, users lose access to these privileges. Simple tasks that used to happen in the blink of an eye now require prolonged waiting. Maybe it's time to upgrade your RAM? Check the available RAM for your laptop.

Apple, X, and the Revolution in VPN Technology

A virtual private network is a tool used to encrypt data and mask a user's IP address. Many people use them to access content that may be banned in their country. In certain jurisdictions, X is being prohibited and has been linked to a rise in VPN use. In this article, we talk about how Apple customers have found them increasingly hard to find.

How to Get Started with a Security Data Lake

Modern SecOps teams use Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) software to aggregate security logs, detect anomalies, hunt for threats, and enable rapid incident response. While SIEMs enable accurate, near real-time detection of threats, today's SIEM solutions were never designed to handle the volume of security data organizations generate daily. As daily log ingestion grows, so do the costs of data management.

Top tips: Notorious session sniffing attacks and tips for avoiding them

In cybersecurity, session sniffing—an attack method where attackers receive and use session data—is a recurring danger. The impacts of session sniffing are evident from numerous high-profile assaults. Let’s discuss some of these important cases that highlight the significance of strong security procedures.

Identity Governance: Balancing Cost Reduction with Effective Risk Management

In today’s business environment, cost reduction is a top priority for many organizations. Companies are increasingly adopting technologies that automate tasks and enhance efficiencies to achieve cost savings. However, minimizing risk should also be a key objective for every business.