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CrowdStrike Named a Leader in Frost & Sullivan CWPP Radar, Demonstrating Strong Innovation and Growth

CrowdStrike is excited to announce we have been named a leader in Frost & Sullivan’s Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP) Radar for the second consecutive year. This recognition validates our continued innovation and growth in cloud security and our commitment to providing a unified cloud security approach and powerful workload security capabilities.

How to Backup and Restore Microsoft 365 User Mailbox | BDRSuite Demo

In this BDRSuite Demo, I'll show you how to configure backup for Microsoft 365 User Mailbox and how to restore the data. BDRSuite offers comprehensive backup solution for Microsoft 365 User Mailbox including emails, calendars, contacts and OneDrive items. With features like flexible storage and multiple data recovery options, BDRSuite ensures that your Microsoft 365 is secure and easily recoverable.

How To Tell if There Is Spyware on Your Laptop

Spyware is a type of malware that can be installed on your device without your knowledge. The main goal of spyware is to spy on you and gather your private information, like passwords or credit card information. Despite spyware being elusive and undetectable at times, you can tell if there is spyware on your laptop by recognizing common signs. Some of these signs include unwanted pop-up ads, slower performance, shorter battery life and redirections on your browser.

Beyond Patches and CVEs: The New Dynamics of Enterprise Technology and Vulnerability Management

The enterprise technology landscape has changed significantly, driven by the rapid adoption of cloud technologies, evolving IT infrastructures, and evolving exploitation activities. This transformation requires that organizations take an updated approach to vulnerability management—one that goes beyond the traditional focus on patch management to encompass a broader spectrum of risks.

Change Management and File Integrity Monitoring - Demystifying the Modifications in Your Environment

When outsourcing the IT department was first introduced, many business owners hailed it as the solution to all their technology problems. The promise of reduced headcount, less overhead and sunk costs, as well as reduced management responsibilities, seemed like a gift that would boost profits. When cloud computing entered the business world, the same promises were realized. However, shifting responsibility to an outside administrator brought new risks to the organizations.

How Do You Know if Your Facebook Has Been Hacked?

You can tell if your Facebook account has been hacked if you receive login attempt notifications, notice your account’s personal information has been changed, see an increase in suspicious messages or have trouble logging in to your account. Since Facebook accounts hold a large amount of private information, you need to recover your account quickly if it’s been hacked.

Trustwave Named the Innovation Leader by Frost & Sullivan for the Americas and Europe

The analyst firm Frost & Sullivan has recognized Trustwave with the dual honors of being positioned as the Innovation leader in its 2024 Managed Security Services (MSS) Radar, Americas, and 2024 MSS Radar, Europe, the second time Frost & Sullivan has recognized Trustwave as such in the Americas.