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Latrodectus Rapid Evolution Continues With Latest New Payload Features

Latrodectus is a downloader first discovered by Walmart back in October of 2023. The malware became very famous due to its similarities with the famous IcedID malware, not only in the code itself but also the infrastructure, as previously reported by Proofpoint and Team Cymru S2. The malware is usually delivered via email spam campaigns conducted by two specific threat actors: TA577 and TA578.

Penetration Testing for Web Applications vs Websites

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring the security of both web applications and websites is paramount. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, organisations must employ robust security measures to protect their assets. Penetration Testing is a critical strategy used to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen defences. However, the approach to Penetration Testing can vary significantly between web applications and websites.

Shining a Light on Shadow AI: What It Is and How to Find It

After speaking to a wide spectrum of customers ranging from SMBs to enterprises, three things have become clear: Add that together, and we get Shadow AI. This refers to AI usage that is not known or visible to an organization’s IT and security teams. Shadow AI comes in many forms, but in this blog we’ll stick to a discussion of Shadow AI as it pertains to applications. Application security teams are well aware that AI models come with additional risk.

Identity Governance: Balancing Cost Reduction with Effective Risk Management

In today’s business environment, cost reduction is a top priority for many organizations. Companies are increasingly adopting technologies that automate tasks and enhance efficiencies to achieve cost savings. However, minimizing risk should also be a key objective for every business.

How Do You Know if Your Facebook Has Been Hacked?

You can tell if your Facebook account has been hacked if you receive login attempt notifications, notice your account’s personal information has been changed, see an increase in suspicious messages or have trouble logging in to your account. Since Facebook accounts hold a large amount of private information, you need to recover your account quickly if it’s been hacked.

CrowdStrike Named a Leader in Frost & Sullivan CWPP Radar, Demonstrating Strong Innovation and Growth

CrowdStrike is excited to announce we have been named a leader in Frost & Sullivan’s Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP) Radar for the second consecutive year. This recognition validates our continued innovation and growth in cloud security and our commitment to providing a unified cloud security approach and powerful workload security capabilities.