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Between Two Alerts: Easy VPN Security Monitoring with Splunk Enterprise Security

Welcome to the new world, my friends. Now that working from home is our new reality, we've found that many of our customers are taking a much closer look at the technology that binds us all together and allows us to access corporate resources: the humble VPN. In the spirit of enablement, I’ve put together a quick list of dashboards that can help add that extra bit of visibility for our faithful Splunk Enterprise Security customers.

Work from home better with secure and reliable enterprise service

Today, we are facing an unprecedented situation. The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting everything we know -- our families, our businesses, our communities, and our way of life. In these tough times, many organizations have resorted to mandatory remote working for employees so they can still be productive and safe. Saas productivity tools like Zoom, Slack, G-Suite and Office 365 became seemingly mandatory in this new distributed workplace.

Alcide kAudit Integrates with Sumo Logic

Alcide recently introduced Alcide kAudit, an automatic tool for analyzing Kubernetes Audit logs. This tool focuses on detecting non-compliant and anomalous behavior of users, automated service accounts and suspicious administration operations. Alcide’s recent integration with Sumo Logic enables users to gain full access to insights and real-time alerts from Alcide kAudit.

Adversary tradecraft 101: Hunting for persistence using Elastic Security (Part 1)

Last month, we hosted a webinar, Hunting for persistence using Elastic Security, where we examined some techniques that attackers use in the wild to maintain presence in their victim’s environment. In this two-part blog series, we’ll share the details of what was covered during our webinar with the goal of helping security practitioners improve their visibility of these offensive persistence techniques and help to undermine the efficacy of these attacks against their organization.

4 Questions to Ask in Building a Security Operations Center

Building an in-house SOC represents a significant commitment, both financially and strategically, to securing your enterprise. In a report from the Ponemon Institute—based on a survey sponsored by Devo of more than 500 IT and security practitioners—67 percent of respondents said their SOC was “very important” or “essential” to their organization’s overall cybersecurity strategy.

Operationalize Ransomware Detections Quickly and Easily with Splunk

In 2019 multiple cities, hospitals and educational institutions in the U.S. were crippled by ransomware, including Baltimore, Atlanta, New York City, Regis University in Denver and Monroe University in New York. In the the last 12 months, the infosec community has seen these ransomware operators seriously upping their game (see Ryuk ransomware).

Amazon VPC Traffic Mirroring

The first means to collect security-relevant information at Cloud SIEM Enterprise (CSE) was our Network Sensor. It was built to analyze network traffic and provide visibility beyond traditional SIEM's down to the network-level. Beyond organizing packets into flows, the sensor supports more advanced features such as decoding of common protocols, file carving, SSL certificate validation, OS fingerprinting, clustered deployment and more.

How SIEM is evolving in 2020

The evolution of Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is deeply intertwined with cloud computing, both in terms of technological breakthroughs the cloud provided and from its inherent security challenges. With the rise of cloud computing, we no longer rely on long-lived resources. An ephemeral infrastructure obscures the identity of the components and, even if you do have the visibility it doesn’t necessarily mean you can comprehend the meaning behind the components.

Securing a New Way of Working: Monitoring Those Endpoints

With more and more endpoints accessing your network remotely, you should expect rapid increases in VPN connections and usage, as well as exponential usage of cloud-based services. There are numerous Splunk apps that can help you increase the monitoring of remote endpoints but let’s showcase Splunk Security Essentials (SSE).

CASB vs Cloud SIEM for SaaS Security

Today’s businesses spend more money on SaaS tools than on laptops. On average, today’s employees use a minimum of eight different SaaS tools. The security implications of this robust cloud landscape cannot be neglected and we trust you are fully aware of it already. As an IT leader, you are responsible for keeping your company’s cloud infrastructure secure, but with the multitude of cloud apps businesses use on a daily basis, you have less and less control of that security landscape.