Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


What is Your Data Worth in the Fight Against Fraud?

You don’t need us to tell you that fraud and financial crime is on the rise. A quick google search will give you endless stats to support this claim. Fraud losses are increasing as a percentage of revenue, and that direct impact on the bottom line isan area of laser focus for senior execs.

Your Employees Are Superheroes, but This Superpower Might Be a Security Risk

Many people are working from home (WFH) now and will be for at least the next few weeks. The VPN and TLS connections that remote workers rely on allow for secure access, and although these are not new connection types to monitor, the current WFH situation has created a significant increase in the number of these connections you must monitor. This new WFH scenario has made one thing easier: mobile users are no longer mobile.

The Role of SOC Outsourcing in a Secure Enterprise

During the past decade, security operations centers (SOC) have become an integral part of the cybersecurity programs of many organizations. When you think of a defined team spending all of its time managing security events and using consistent processes for remediation, you may envision a group of company employees who report to a CIO or CISO.

Protecting Your Assets: It's Not Just About Servers and Laptops!

In most of our blogs, we spend a TON of time going on about protecting our endpoints, looking at sysmon, checking the firewall, correlating IDS data and the like… Today, we're going to shift gears a bit and look at security from a different angle. Recently, there has been a tremendous focus on the shifting paradigm of a workforce that primarily resides in corporate offices, to a highly virtual workforce sitting at their kitchen tables.

Generating MITRE ATT&CK® signals in Elastic SIEM: Sysmon data

Many mature security teams look to the MITRE ATT&CK® matrix to help improve their understanding of attacker tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) and to better understand their own capabilities relative to these common adversarial approaches. With the release of Elastic Security 7.6, Elastic SIEM saw 92 detection rules for threat hunting and security analytics aligned to ATT&CK.

Threat Modeling in Times of Crisis

With most of the country sheltering in place and so many people working remotely, work-life balance is taking on a new meaning and cloud infrastructure is taking a beating. The dramatic increase in daily activity and network use is creating both a visibility challenge and an operating model shift for already lean security teams.

Ensure a secure and reliable Zoom video conferencing service

We are excited to announce a new solution for our customers to monitor the performance, availability, and security of their Zoom video conferencing service. The Sumo Logic for Zoom app is available today in our app catalog. This new app will be added to our ‘Work From Home’ solution which is available for free, with no obligation.

Hunting COVID Themed Attacks With IOCs

This blog post is part twenty-four of the "Hunting with Splunk: The Basics" series. I've been dealing with viruses for years, but this is the first time I've written a blog post where we are dealing with actual viruses. Ever since the 2004 tsunami, I have witnessed cyber-baddies using current events to trick users into opening documents or clicking on links. The COVID-19 breakout is no different.

Fraud Detection: WFH Leading to Increased BEC and Phishing Threats - What To Look For

A lot has changed in the past few weeks. And the percentage of us working from home (WFH) has increased tremendously. With increased WFH, we rely more on email communication, and this increases the opportunities for abuse by others. One thing that has stayed constant: bad people want to do bad things. As we have seen in the past, when one avenue of attack is restricted, the fraudsters redouble their efforts in other areas, and online fraud attempts are already increasing during our new normal.