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Here's How Phishing Messages Break Through Email Filters

Phishing is an email-borne malicious technique aimed at learning the sensitive credentials of users or spreading malware. This practice has been on the list of the top cyber threats to individuals and businesses for years. According to the latest Phishing Activity Trends Report by APWG, the total number of phishing attacks identified in Q1 2024 exceeded 963,000.

Protecting Patient Safety: Trustwave's Role in Healthcare Cybersecurity

The healthcare industry's digital transformation has brought unprecedented advancements in patient care. However, it has also introduced new vulnerabilities that put sensitive patient data at risk. Cybersecurity is no longer an option but a critical component of delivering safe and effective care. Threat actors have no compunction about taking advantage of this increased threat surface.

JumpCloud Announces Support for AWS Workspaces

The slow and steady progression of technology has transformed the way we work (and think about work) in so many exciting ways. The past few decades have opened new opportunities to create, automate, and manage just about everything that might exist within the IT ecosystem… but sometimes that progression creates complexity and conflict, as new technology solutions clash with existing standards and operations.

How To Stop Spam Calls

Although there is no way to stop receiving all spam calls, there are steps you can take to reduce the number of spam calls you receive. According to Truecaller’s 2024 report, Americans collectively receive an average of 2.5 billion spam and unwanted calls every month. While spam calls do not always have malicious intent, like hacking your phone or stealing your money, they can grow annoying since they are unwanted and persistent.

Building a Resilient Supply Chain in the Face of Cyber Threats

Supply chain resilience has never been more critical. Recent cyber outages have underscored a harsh reality—supply chains are vulnerable, and disruptions can have far-reaching impacts. But what does it mean to be supply chain resilient, especially in the context of cyber threats? In this post, we will explore lessons learned from recent cyber outages, offering actionable insights for enhancing supply chain resilience.